dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "presidents" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page)

- "I complained about a neighbour and now I am glad because when people take hold of the POWER THAT THEY WIELD then the bad people are scared." (President then symbolizes the grasp of power to complain)

- "My BOSS has left the company and now I have a new MANAGER. I do not know what this new MANAGEMENT means to me but I hope for the best." (A new boss is something to dream about as it means a lot to the dreamers own life.)

- "I have been wanting to take my career in a certain direction. I want to express myself. I want to decide in which way I progress." (A dream about taking charge of her own destiny)

- "I believe this to be premonition of a release of a prisoner who STOOD UP FOR HER OWN RIGHTS." (A dream from a FARC prisoner who fought for freedom)

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my own death as a president." (The dream of President Lincoln shortly before his own death)

- "I had a dream about President George W Bush about having to do things to my own ability." (in real life the dreamer felt that George W Bush was limited intellectually. It was a dream linked to the dreamers opinions about an actual President and therefore literal in it's meaning)

- "I am unemployed and have been THINKING ABOUT WHAT EMPLOYERS AND MANAGERS WANT and been trying to present myself in the best light." (President being a symbol for those in charge)

most presidential dreams will translate into some simple thought such as "He is power mad" or "I need to make a decision".
President in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that presidents in practice captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Full list of keywords
- "Taking charge" (Think of any scenario in which this phrase features e.g. "We really need to get things done" or "I resented him taking charge". The dream simply shows that this theme is important right now. )
- "Making decisions" (This is similar to the above meaning. Have you felt the need to make some decisions? If some important decision has to be made then you need to put your presidential hat on.)
- "Establishing a principle" (Are you trying to decide the best way to do something?)
- "Important decisions" ()
- "Power battle" (What do you think of when you think of presidents? Often we read about the power struggles involving politics. Your dream may link to presidential style political struggle within your own life. Who is trying to grab all the power? Are you seeking to grab some power off others? These are situations which will trigger presidential dreams.)
- "People with power" (Were you frustrated with your lack of power yesterday? )
- "A sense of power" (Is someone power crazy? Did you enjoy a sense of power yesterday? Often dreams will translate into situations where similar emotions are felt e.g. "He really enjoyed that little bit of power he has")

•President Lincolns precognitive dream of his own death
•President Bush dream
•Presidential power dream
•Dream analysis - president has died
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Psychic dream - prisoner released
• Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Managing people dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com