Using psychology we find that "pressure" dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I got into a RIDICULOUS ARGUMENT with my boyfriend which ended up with yelling at the top of our voices in downtown Chicago."
- "I am meeting up with a landlord of a new house I am going to be moving into."
- "I have made a breakthrough with my young son. It is a great relief and I just hope it will continue as the relationship seemed on the brink of FALLING APART."
- "I had a lot of STRESS YESTERDAY because I had worries about my Aunt and my friend."
- "I came to a decision that my husband is a good dad but not a good partner."
- "I have been thinking a lot about some of my dreams which seemed to be premonitions. It is SCARING ME."
Pressure in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance "Pressure" dream may simply translate into a word such as "stress". In that way your dream could link to a thought like "I am suffering from great stress at work".
Full list of keywords here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to press - "Thinking about pressure in your life" You could be trying to assess if you are coping well with pressure.
- "Weight of evidence" Has a belief been brought into question by some new evidence?
- "Desperation" (Are you struggling with some situation in your life? Are you suffering from lots of stress?)
- "Very emotional"
Earthquake Dream
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Trombone dream
Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
Guidance of angel
Suicide by jumping off - dream interpretation
Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at