Tweet Using psychology we find that "prison" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings
- "I had a discussion yesterday about religion. I do not like catholicism since it is too CLOSED and CONFINING."
- "I have left my job because it was too RESTRICTIVE."
- "I was trying to be nice to everyone but one woman seemed to be TRAPPED in her own world. I later found out she had cancer."
- "I had a lot of stress at WORK yesterday."
- "I was thinking about WORK yeserday. I like working hard but it is getting a bit too much for me."
Prisons in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Prison" dream may simply translate into the word "Trapped" and the dream captures the feeling "I feel trapped in a relationship I no longer want".
Keywords connected to prison dreams
In practice prisons have several symbolic meanings. Try to think how the following words and phrases link into your feelings right now. Then try to write down sentences which capture your key feelings and intuitions right is the full list of key words.
- "Punishing yourself" (The worst prisons are the ones we imprison ourselves into. Do you blame yourself for something?)
- "Feeling trapped" (Do you have an emotional urge to just break free? Did yesterday seem stultifying? Do you like to seek out new people and new places? Your dream may depict your wish for spontaneity)
- "Responsibilities" (Did you feel trapped with responsibilities yesterday? Did you want to do something yesterday but could not because of commitments? Do you wish for more freedom in life? If so your dream portrays this emotional desire to break free of emotions)
- "Hating your job" (Do you hate your job?if so then the dream may portray that feeling. You feel trapped and imprisoned in something that you really dislike. You simply want to break free but cannot because you have no viable alternative)
- "Rules" (In real life jails are linked to laws which we cannot break for fear of jail. In dreams this applies to all rule breaking. Do you fear the consequences of breaking a rule?)
- "Wanting more freedom" (A jail dream could be your minds way of saying you wish for more freedom. Is this that has been on your mind recently)
- "Stuck" do you feel stuck in a relationship? Do you wish for more freedom)
- "Restrictions" (A jail could show your urge to break out of a world which is restricting you and holding you back.)
- "Health problems" (Some people suffer from terrible illnesses. It is almost as if they are imprisoned in a body which inflicts pain and suffering on them)
- "Fear losing a legal case" (Have you been thinking about a legal case? Are you involved in some inquiry and fear being blamed?)
- "Dodgy people" (Your dream may have associated jail with dodgy people. Do you fear someone who is dodgy looking? Are you trying to avoid someone who is untrustworthy and you suspect of crime? If so then your dream depicts this dislike of dodgy looking people and your continuing wish to keep clear of them. Alternatively you may fear you are becoming dodgy yourself and that others do not fully trust you)
Dream symbolism - murdered Jesus
Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Highwayman dream interpretation
Psychic dream - prisoner released
Dream symbolism - able to breathe underwater
Dream interpretation - hollow tree
Dream - prisoner killed by suffocation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at