dream analysis study

Proof in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about "urges" may simply translate into a key word like "untrustworthy". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "I simply do not believe my sister. She is untrustworthy". Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.

Full list of keywords which link to "proof" in dreams
- "Untrustworthy" Did you get a strong feeling of mistrust the day before the dream? Have you been thinking about someone who you think is a bit dodgy and untrustworthy? If yes then the dream is about you wanting to double check anything that involves someone whom you do not believe.
- "Unbelievable" Did you want to double check something yesterday? Did someone tell you something that was totally unbelievable yesterday? Were you sceptical about what someone said and wanted to hear it from a different source?

Most dreams have simple meanings - they are linked to everyday thoughts. If properly understood they would translate into everyday thoughts, the type of feelings that we write down in a diary or tell a best friend. If you were to give a quote which summed up your thoughts about the day that has just gone or the day to come then that would very often be the meaning of your dream. The story in your dream is merely a symbolic version of that thought. Just read through the list of keywords above and if one seems to fit a key thought right now then it is likely that it is linked to the dreams meaning. For instance an "proof" dream may translate into the keyword "unbelievable" and the dream is a symbolic of a thought such as "I was shocked at what she said. It sounded unbelievable". Such a dream would be about the dreamer needing to double check something.

•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Old technology can be very reliable
•Betrayed and disappointed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com