dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that REAL "Puppy" dreams (in our database) link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)

- "I have a mouse infestation and I can hear mice being caught in traps and screaming. I feel so guilty as they are INNOCENT LITTLE CREATURES."

- "I am interested in a man I am attracted to. I am not sure how he feels but I feel as if he wants to be my NEW BOYFRIEND."

- "I am moving to a new state with my daughter who is deaf. It will be difficult at first but I am sure it will be a HAPPY NEW LIFE."

- "My RELATIONSHIP WITH MY BOYFRIEND is good but he is moving to a new state and so it is doomed to failure."

- "I argue all the time with my father but I know HE LOVES ME so would never hurt me. He means well."

- "I have been promoted and was glad of this NEW START but my boss has made me feel so small. Something so PURE AND GOOD has been spoiled ."

- "I have just returned from a HOLIDAY ROMANCE."

- "I have a GOOD RELATIONSHIP but it is under strain because we cannot live together."

- "My father has got cancer and I am having to look after our puppies." (so puppies was a literal symbol)

- "I am IN LOVE with a man who LOVES ME BACK but at the moment he is in another country."

- "I have been thinking about an ex I was IN LOVE WITH. I do not regret breaking up but I still felt love for him."

When your dream uses a puppy as a symbol it is not saying "Puppy" its probably saying "Playful", or "Affectionate", or "Fun" or "Flirting". Understanding the relevance of these words rather than the word "Puppy" is much more easier.
Puppies in dreams :People ask themselves questions like "Why would I have a puppy dream as I don't have a puppy." think more about what accompanied your puppy dream. If the puppy was joyful then ask yourself questions like "Who was joyful yesterday?"

Keywords linked to puppy dreams here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to puppy dreams. Try to think which of these are relevant in your life right now. If you can think of anything then your dream may simply tap into that theme within your life at the moment.
- "Playful" (Who was playful yesterday- like a puppy?)
- "Joyful" (Puppies are always happy and fun loving. They can tap into emotions like "It was really fun" or opposites like "I miss the fun we used to have")
- "Devoted" (Think of any situation where devotion features in your thoughts. The story in your dream could be saying something about that very situation. You might be recognising how devoted someone is. You maybe quite frustrated by someones devotion which is now getting on your nerves. You may wish for someone total devotion.)
- "Completely innocent" (Puppies are completely innocent and harmless creatures. They have not got a bad bone in their bodies. Your dream could link to any thought process which features innocence such as "He is harmless and just having fun" and "How could anyone treat her like that. She is so innocent")
- "Flirting" "Affectionate" (Puppies are always playful and physical. They can be symbols for any loving behaviour. If you were flirting with someone innocently yesterday then its likely that your dream links to that)
- "Cute" (Who was as cute as a button yesterday? )

•choking puppies dream analysis
•Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
•Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
•Small puppy - dream analysis
• Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
•Set dogs on rapists dream
•Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
•Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
•Tornado warning dream
•Puppies and snakes
•Bury ex - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com