dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "quick" in our dreams database link to the following real feelings

- "I did something really IMPRESSIVE on my computer last night which boosted my confidence."


- "I am just about to finish a work project. It has been a great SUCCESS."

- "My husband is not as close to our son as he could be. He needs to TRY HARDER. They are in danger of DRIFTING APART."

- "I have just split up from my girlfriend. It is taking a bit of getting used to."

- "I have just left my job and it's taking a bit of GETTING USED TO."

- "I have just finished my project and it's taking a bit of GETTING USED TO. I am EAGER to get on with something new."

- "We had a HAPPY family get together. I am feeling very POSITIVE about life. I just wish that my late father had been there."

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of my miscarriage. The dream was linked to this SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH MY HEALTH."

- "I saw my friend and she has some URGENT PROBLEMS at the moment."

- "I am trying to AVOID trouble at work. Someone has a real disliking to me."

- "My baby is sick and I am trying to DO AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to keep things clean."

- "I was watching the coverage of Hurricane Katrina and it was SHOCKING. It happened so SUDDENLY and NOTHING COULD BE DONE ABOUT IT."

- "I am recovering from illness at the moment. I cannot move very FAST."

- "I am recovering from illness at the moment. I am very PREOCCUPIED by it."

- "I am EAGER to get on making a website for a friend. I want to make a SPECIAL EFFORT to make it as well as I can."

- "I was due to meet up with an old friend but he did not show up. It all HAPPENED SO SUDDENLY."

- "I have just FOUND OUT my boyfriend was cheating on me. I have ACTED IMMEDIATELY and ended the relationship."

QUICK IN DREAMS: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. If the word "Quick" features in your dream then it may simply show that this is a word you would use in your thoughts right now. Write down key thoughts which use the key phrases below. The dream maybe about you or someone else . A dream is often simply a story which captures a key feeling right now. So what did the word quick make you think of when you woke up?

Full list of keywords
In practice quickness in dreams can have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "A thought you want to dismiss from your mind" (You want to get it out of your mind immediately)
- "Wanting to avoid something" (Was someone wanting to talk to you about something you are very touchy about? Are you behaving in a very defensive way about something? Do you hate doing something all the time?)
- "Acting decisively" (Did you come to a very clear decision about something yesterday? Did someone speak very clearly and openly yesterday)
- "I really do not want to do that" (Have you agreed to do something that you really do not want to do? Do you wish to get out of some responsibility?)
- "I hate my job" (Do you hate your job and wish to get out of work as soon as possible?)
- "I really want to do that" (Do you really want to do something? Are you wanting to get something started as soon as possible? Did something fill you with immense joy yesterday? Do you feel a real sense of confidence right now?)
- "I feel so confident!" (Do you feel a real sense of confidence right now? Do you feel a real sense of achievement at the moment? Did you pick up a skill very quickly yesterday? )
- "I really have to deal with that" (Is there something that you have to do immediately? Do you have to act quickly in some way? Did something require immediate attention yesterday? )
- "I feel really slow and lethargic" (Are you unable to react quickly due to illness? Did you feel immense pain which needed immediate attention? Are you just recovering from some illness?)
- "He reacted intensely" (Did someone react in an unexpected way yesterday? Did you have to deal with some unexpected emotions yesterday? Do you fear that someone will overreact tomorrow? Do you think you are making a big mistake?)
- "I knew that was the right decision immediately" (Did you really feel happy with meeting someone and try to encourage them as much as possible? Do you know that something is just right? Are you feeling very confident right now?)
- "I know I should not act rashly" (Did you decide not to cause a major scene the day before? Did you fear consequences of some decision or behaviour yesterday?)
- "I really wanted to help" (Was someone very upset yesterday who you really wanted to help? Did you really want to sort something out yesterday?)
- "I witnessed something really awful yesterday" (Did you see something really terrifying yesterday? Did you see something really bad on TV last night? Could the dream be a premonition of something really shocking? )
- "I cannot control this relationship" (Do you think a situation is drifting out of control?)

Dreams can often link to sophisticated thoughts. The dream may feature somebody else whose behaviour you have noticed is like your own. In other words you are thinking how you are becoming like somebody else. It is your minds way of saying "I am becoming like John who is so impatient." Alternatively you maybe thinking how you would like to be like somebody else. Think about the theme of impatience or patience and your dream is likely to link to such a thought. Your dream could link to specific feelings like the list below.

-"I wanted to take my time with things but John was impatient to get on with things"

-"Things aren't going right but I know we are heading in the right direction" (A need to be more patient)

-"I woke up wanting to get on with things "(Eagerness is linked to impatience)

-"He is back to his old self. He is so impatient."

See how dreams can link to very specific thoughts. Simply look through the key phrases on this page and use them to make associations with very specific thoughts in your mind right now(As dreams link to current thoughts).

•Walking in the dark dream
•Jumping off face first - dream analysis
•Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
•Son is drowning - dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - kiss ex boyfriend
•Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
•Great skill and ability dream
•My Father's Visit
•Hip replacement and injection dream symbolism
•Save and resuscitate - dream symbolism
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
•Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
•Rats,worms,flies and maggots
•Dream about Hurricane katrina
•Icy path - dream interpretation
•Dirty cats - dream analysis
•Decorating for the Queen dream
•dead body and sailing ship - dream interpretation
•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
•Guidance of angel
•Dream - screaming at snake and knife
•Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•Managing people dream
•Poison a Rottweiler dog
•Bury ex - dream interpretation
•stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
•Beetle car dream analysis
•Learning from others
•Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting
•Dragon eggs dreams
•Harry potter and devil dream
•Watching a crocodile pacing along my road dream
•A body in hot water dream
•Embarrassed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com