Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "safe" dreams linked to these feelings
- "I feel REASSURED when I am with my boyfriend. I feel a lot more CONFIDENCE when he is around."
- "My sister was really upset so I tried to SUPPORT her and HELP her."
- "I am trying to KEEP MY DISTANCE as my relationship with her is very volatile. I just want to be as CAUTIOUS as possible."
- "I have just got a new FRIEND. I sensed a GOOD ATMOSPHERE being around her."
- "I hate being late but my girlfriend is always late. But I LOVE her so I have to put up with it."
- "I am moving home and I want to feel as COMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE."
- "I am just thinking through the CONSEQUENCES of the economic crash. I think I will be UNAFFECTED."
- "I am not feeling REASSURED by my boyfriend. He does not seem to spend much time with me nowadays."
- "My husband told me about his infidelities and it did not REASSURE me at all."
- "I keep on having flashbacks and cannot seem to FEEL SAFE about my bad memories."
- "I suffer from social phobias and can never seem to feel AT EASE."
- "I want to take a relationship to the next level but he just doesn't speak. I did NOT FEEL SECURE and PROTECTED ."
- "I LOVE wolves and wish to PROTECT them but I feel I have done enough."
- "I have huge TRUST ISSUES especially since I saw my boyfriend checking out another girl."
Safe in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Safe" dream may simply translate into an everyday word such as "Reassured" and your dream captures a thought such as "He really reassures me. I should value his friendship and support".
Keywords linked to safe dreams
In practice safe dreams have several symbolic meanings. Write down phrases which pinpoint your feelings at the moment and which include the words and phrases below. Only one of these symbolic meanings apply so try to see which captures your feelings most.
- "Reassured" (Did you need more reassuring yesterday? Did someone make you feel reassured? If so the dream focuses on these feelings and pinpoints your conclusions.)
- "Tension" (Feeling safe is linked to tension so if there was tension yesterday you maybe thinking about that. Do you need to calm some situation down? Maybe avoid the people and places which caused this tension? Your dream could deal with your thoughts about this tension.)
- "Risk" (Your dream could deal with the theme of risk taking. Maybe you want to take more risks? Maybe someone is telling you to be more cautious? Are there some rules getting in the way of you taking risks? Were you thinking of a risk you are not prepared to take? Any thoughts like this maybe played out in dreams. Your dreams will link to your key thoughts and conclusions concerning issues)
- "Tricky situation" (Was there a tricky situation yesterday? If so then the dream could be about your thoughts about this and any lessons to be learned)
- "More settled" (Are you feeling happier about something? Are you starting to accept some changes in your life which initially upset you? )
- "Nervous" (Does someone make you feel very nervous? Were you very nervous and freaked out by someone yesterday? )
- "Prepared/unprepared" (Feeling safe or unsafe can deal with the general theme of "Being prepared". Did you feel very prepared and ready to deal with something? Are you starting to realise how unprepared you are. Look for hints to show how prepared or unprepared you are. Your emotional state during the dream may simply be your minds way of saying something like "I am completely unprepared for these exams")
- "Safe" (Simply put how would you use the word safe yesterday? Did someone make you feel safe? Dreams will often use metaphors in this simple way)
Simple dream dictionaries will often offer simplistic meanings. This dream dictionary tries to show you how dream symbols apply in practice. A simple dream dictionary may say things like a "Dream where you are feeling safe means that you are reassured by someone". That meaning could be very true but its best to think of dream symbols like words. Just think in how many ways you might use the word "Safe". Your dream could link to any of the meanings above and in many different contexts. Think of phrases like this "He reassures me", "I wish he would reassure me more", "I need someone to reassure me" and "I tried to reassure him". Your dream could link to the word "Reassure" but in all the different contexts it might appear in daily thought. Dreams can represent these sophisticated uses and contexts. So if the you have been thinking of a phrase like "A good friend should seek to reassure and support" then the dream could mean exactly that. Your dream could be your mind way of storing such elaborate thoughts.
The following list shows dreams on this site which all featured safe or similar symbols.
Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
Huge waves drowning - dream analysis
Huge and dangerous waves - dream symbolism
Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
Sears Tower dream
Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
Tidal wave dream interpretation
Snake at safe distance - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
Skyscraper - dream analysis
Saved by boy from shark - dream symbolism
Cousin very sad during meal - dream analysis
Setting a wolf free - dream meaning
Snake chasing me - dream analysis
Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Dream - walking obsessionally
A safe fall dream
Coping with asthma dream
Chased by wolves dream
Tornado warning dream
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
Dream analysis - children enjoying island
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Shark infested waters dream
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Dream symbols - romantic interest
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
Dream analysis - swimming pool and lose purse
Flying in plane over the mountain
Huge monument dream
Hospital bed - dream dictionary
Folding blankets - dream symbolism
Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
Falling from great height dream
Indian Chanting dream
Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
Shark attack - dream interpretation
Werewolf Love Story dream
Ampuation dream analysis
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Bright light dream
Dream symbol - upside down helicopter
Dream interpretation - hollow tree
Hairdresser - dream interpretation
Dream - combat in Iraq
Comforting house dream!
Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
Church basement dream dictionary
Chased by police in home town dream
Car Explosion dream
Horse dies dream
The way of the Lord dream
Difficult people from the past dream
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Turning off lights in house - dream interpreted
Low flying dream
Learning from others
Accusing woman dream
A body in hot water dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at