Tweet Searching in dreams
- "Difficult period"(Searching for something may link to you trying to get through a difficult period. Searching represents you looking for a way out or for a solution or simply an end to the difficulties.)
- "Trying to be more..."(May be you are searching inside yourself for hidden talents or abilities.)
- "High standards"(If someone is searching it may show that they have high standards or that they are eager and willing. Searching represents their wish to find the best option and put everything into it.)
- "Examining closely"(Have you been thinking over what someone has said? Have you been trying to think what someone meant by something? Were they intentionally trying to offend you? Is there room for misinterpretation in what they said)
- "Rediscover"(Are you trying to rediscover some former times? May be you were able to do something much more easily than now. May be you have been thinking about your youth?)
- "Missing someone" "Missing something"(Have you been missing someone? Are you starting to realise that you made a mistake? What is your biggest regret right now?)
- "Disappointed" "Unhappy" "Unfulfilled"(Searching in a dream may link to some general unhappiness. People say that they are searching for a new challenge. They may be searching for something elusive. Deep down it shows that they are unhappy or unfulfilled)
Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "Searching" dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "Searching" translates into these very real feelings.
- "I felt really under threat and needed to check everything was ok"
- "I am just trying to get out of this difficult period"
- "I want her to be something that she clearly is not"
- "She has just not got the qualities that I want her to have"
- "I wish I was more..."
- "I am letting them down"
- "I am not living up to my own high standards"
- "I want things to be like they were in the past"
- "I wondered if there was some hidden meaning"
- "I want to rediscover that friendship"
- "I examined what he said very carefully but I made no mistake"
- "I just do not want to be found out"
Dream work - questions to help you discover what has triggered your dream
1. Have you been thinking about something intensely? For a hidden meaning? Were you thinking through what someone said yesterday?
2. Have you got high standards? Do you feel that you are letting other people down? Were you thinking about someone who does not quite have the qualities required?
3. Are you wanting things to be like they were in the past? Are you trying to rediscover the magic of some past relationship?
Baby and a book - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - police search
Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
A dream about having your laptop stolen
Tornado Dream
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Police clothes - dream interpretation
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
Little brothers voice - dream analysis
Psychic dream of Japanese earthquake
Failed suicide dream
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Dream - huge building and intruders
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Bedsit dream
Dream symbols - finding a bed
Dream symbols - searching for boyfriend
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at