Using psychology we find that "skill" in our dream database links to the following real feelings
- "I was writing down all my feelings about my boyfriend. I am feeling BOLD and CONFIDENT knowing what my feelings are."
- "I dumped some old computers yesterday. It was awful letting go of something so important."
- "I am feeling CONFIDENT and KNOWLEDGEABLE but right now I am stuck with nothing to do."
- "I am trying to IMPROVE MY SKILLS AT INTUITION. But yesterday I had a bit of a setback."
- "I feel a bit INTIMIDATED by hospitals because of my miscarriage."
- "I am feeling a bit UNDERVALUED and want to PROVE my own skills."
- "I am in the military so I am constantly trying to PROVE MY ABILITIES."
- "I misunderstood her. She is ASKING QUESTIONS not because she doubts my ABILITIES but because she likes my work."
- "This economic crisis is going to REALLY TEST everyone out."
Skill in dreams: Dreams are symbolic versions of our own thoughts. The symbols used are linked to how our minds store conceptual thoughts and emotions. If analysed properly they will translate into a quote which captures a key feeling at the time of the dream. Since dreams are linked to the here and now then most dreams will translate into the types of thoughts we would tell a good friend or write down in a diary. For example a dream which has "skill" in it could translate into a word like "competent". Try to see if that word appears in your key feelings. For instance if you were thinking "I have finished my project. I still have loads of energy left. I don't know what I will do." In that way the word "competent" is linked to something that we are "skilled" in.
Full list of keywords which link to "skill" in dreams
- "Competent" Have you been feeling quite intelligent and clear visioned? Have you been trying to understand something? Have you been impressing someone with your knowledge?
- "Thirst for knowledge" Have you been using your knowledge and abilities intensely? Have you got a thirst for knowledge? Do you need an outlet for your intellectual and creative talents? Have you been thinking very intuitively about something in your life?
- "Strong personality" Do you have lots of energy and constantly need to find ways to use your skills to the max?Do you approach life with great enthusiasm? If so the dream reflects your personality. You are highly organised and militaristic in your outlook.
Many "skill" dreams are linked to our wish to use our skills. They show how you have a thirst for knowledge and a wish to put your "skills" to use.
Swimming pool dream
Killing the sacred cow
Great skill and ability dream
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Gross dead naked bodies dream
Dream interpretation - good photos
Protecting a kitten - dream dictionary meanings
Beetle car dream analysis
Low flying dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at