Skies in dreams
- "Outlook"(We talk about the "Outlook" when we are referring to the weather and so the skies are directly relevant to that. But the "Outlook" is also a more general term which is used to describeyour own "Outlook" towards the future)
- "The future"(Looking into the skies is an excellent metaphor for thinking about the future.)
- "Transformation" "Change" "Changing your mind"(The skies are moving and changing so they could be a good metaphor for any change or transformation)
- "Ideas"
- "Wondering" "Anticipating"(Were you wondering abouthe future yesterday? Are you anticipating something? Occasionally we look into the skies in a reflective and thoughtful way which involves similar thought patterns.)
Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "Skies" in dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "Skies" translates into very real feelings.
- "Change and transformation"
- "Changing my mind"
- "My current outlook"
- "Anticipating problems"
- "Generating and discussing ideas"
- "My feelings about the future"
- "Wondering what will happen"
Tree falling - dream analysis
Dream of a huge tornado funnel
Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
Tornado Dream
Tornado funnel - dream analysis
A tornado dream on a beach
Smog dream interpretation
Skyscraper collapses dream
Dream about a swaying skyscraper
Vomit everywhere - dream interpretation
Skyscraper - dream analysis
Giving a baby up for adoption dream
Beautiful sky - dream analysis
Sky destroyed - dream interpretation
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
Red skies and sex with boy - dream interpretation
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Helicopter and skyscraper - dream interpretation
Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - guards guns and earthquake
Dream about buying alcohol.
premonition of a good day ahead
The 'psychic' dream of Sitting Bull of the Little Bighorn
Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
World War Three - dream analysis
Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
Tornado Dream
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Towering building
Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
Waiting on top of a skyscraper
Dream - skating down highway and primary school
Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
My boyfriend is cheating on me
Huge monument dream
Chased by a dragon dream
Stone grave and dark sky - dream interpretation
Werewolf Love Story dream
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Looking Back dream
Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
Dogs chasing leopard dream
Evil spirit takes over my body dream
Dark figures dream
Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
Good nightmares and werewolf
Judge and jury and blood dream
Happy dream
Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium
Dream - a beautiful view
A full moon and a guy dream
Dream interpretation - plane will not take off
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at