dream analysis study

Slow in dreams
- "Slow to do something"(Have you been slow to say something? Is it in your nature to take your time to do something? Why do you take your time to do something?)
- "Needing to react quicker"(Do you need to act faster to something in life? Are you putting things off too much? Is something slowly dawning on you?Are you realising that you need to react quickly?)
- "Not listening"(Is someone not listening to your advice? Are you frustrated because someone is not understanding something?)
- "Needing to stay calm"(Did you stay calm in a difficult situation yesterday? Do you wish you did not react so quickly yesterday?)
- "It made me really think"(Did something solemn happen yesterday? Did you do some deep thinking yesterday?)
- "Taking my time"(Have you come to a decision about something in a slow and clear way? Do you think you are thinking clearly right now? Do you need time to get to know someone? Are you taking things slowly?)
- "Feeling confident and calm"(Did you meet someone yesterday who was calm and confident? Are you due to meet someone whom you feel confident and at ease with?)
- "I felt really uncomfortable"(Did something make you feel really uncomfortable yesterday?Is something unpleasant taking longer to sort out than you? Were you depressed yesterday? Did time seem to drag yesterday? Have you been stuck in a bad mood?)
- "I am walking more slowly"(Have you been ill recently leaving you slow to react? Are you feeling your age? Have you been thinking about someone who is finding it difficult to move about?)
- "I am having relationship problems!"(Did you have an argument yesterday? Is time going slowly being around your boyfriend/girlfriend?)

•A fearsome wolf dream interpreted
•Dream analysis - stalker
•Crashing down a huge hill dream
•Huge and dangerous waves - dream symbolism
•Staying calm with snake - dream interpretation
•Car crash premonitions
•Dying in a tornado dream
•Danger from wolves - dream analysis
•A dream about wolves forcing their way in
•Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
•Depression and feeling suicidal dream analysis
•Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
•Shark is in slow motion - dream analysis
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Stealing photos dream
• Dream - pet stag
•Dream - steep steps
•Untidy house - dream analysis
•A dream about getting old and incapable
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
•Tsunami in dream
•Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - children enjoying island
•Ghost ship - dream interpretation
•Scream or help - dream analysis
•Intruder in house - dream analysis
•Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
•German friend - dream analysis
•Friend has lung cancer dream
•Dream - the wilderness with evil women and prince
•Dogs follow me dream
•dead body and sailing ship - dream interpretation
•Ex driving my car - dream interpretation
•Indian Chanting dream
•Dream dictionary - worried about boy
•Dream - Bomb goes off
•Deep cut and bleeding dream
•Looking Back dream
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Taking medicines with no label - dream analysis
•Floating body in water dream
•Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
•Bury ex - dream interpretation
•The way of the Lord dream
•Difficult people from the past dream
•Drunken drowning sailor
•My deceased mother
•Cymbals dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com