dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that sharks in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings

- "I cannot stand my fiances being late all the time. I like to STICK TO A SCHEDULE. I am very DISCIPLINED."

- "I believe this to be a premonition of a VERY HARD DAY. It was a STRUGGLE but I managed to stay DISCIPLINED "

- "It's been a LONG HARD STRUGGLE through winter. I am managing to get through."

- "I have managed to finish my project at work. It was a LONG HARD STRUGGLE and I do not know what I will do with my time"

- "I have made a great EFFORT in developing my knowledge.However I am still nervous about setting up a business."

- "I am planning out a campaign for a real battle" (a literal meaning of soldier)

- "I am really STRUGGLING coping with the problems created by her. I keep thinking that BAD THINGS HAPPEN for no reason."

- "I am WORKING NIGHT AND DAY on a project. I am totally EXHAUSTED."

- "I need to GET TO WORK on a project. I need to COMMIT MYSELF THOROUGHLY"

- "I have COMMITTED MYSELF to too many things. I am OVERSTRETCHED."

- "I was told I need to keep my boss informed if I am ill. That is a STRICT RULE."

- "I will see him tomorrow. I know it will be a HOSTILE ATMOSPHERE."

- "I noticed my hay fever was not so bad when I was BUSY AND WORKING HARD. I will try to PUSH MYSELF in future and see if the hay fever gets better."

- "I woke up EUPHORIC. I felt quite CELEBRATORY."

- "I have quite a MILITARISTIC PERSONALITY. I PUSH MYSELF to the very limits"

- "I want to go back to work tomorrow. I feel a real sense of LOYALTY TO THE TEAM."

- "I keep having dreams about my TIMES IN THE ARMY. I have PTSD after my experiences in Iraq"

Soldiers in dreams : Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that the soldiers in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Symbolism of soldier dreams?
- "Hardship" (In practice we can guess that people who have soldier dreams are experiencing certain types of thoughts. We can link "Soldier" dreanms to feelings like "This is a harsh environment" or "We are having to struggle through" or even more complex thoughts which deal with the same theme such as "I enjoy hardship as it strengthens my character".)
- "Toughen up"
- "Discipline" (A soldier dream may hint that "Discpline" is a theme in your thoughts right now. May be you have recongised gthe need to be more disciplined? May be you should keep youtr mind on the job and buckle down. may be you recnise that some situation involves discipline?)
- "Team work" (One feature of war is that soldiers team up together and fight for each other. So soldiers are linked by association with "Team work". How has team work featured in your thoughts? How has team work been cebntral to some thought process? Think of feelings like "I really enjoy the sense of team work at work" or "I sense we are pulling together now" or "We need to work more as a team or we will fail".)
- "Determination" (Soldiers show great determination so they may be a symbol for your need to be more soldier like and show similar determination)

• Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
•General in charge - dream analysis
•Defeated army dream
•Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
•Four brothers - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - zombies chasing
•Vampire and accused dream
•Traverse a huge bridge with steep fall - dream analysis
•Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
•An execution and forced march dream interpretation
•Winning battle dream
• The 'psychic' dream of Sitting Bull of the Little Bighorn
•Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
• Military and christmas day - army take over task
• Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Enemy territory dream
•Dream - stay disciplined soldier
•Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
•Elated - dream analysis
•Police and riots - dream symbolism
•Murder and military police dream interpretation
•Football poster and soldier - dream symbolism
•Dream - combat in Iraq
•Good nightmares and werewolf
•Lead army - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com