dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Song" dreams linked to these feelings

- "Yesterday I was talking to a genuine football fan." (A dream about football songs )

- "The previous day I had made a breakthrough with her son. It was a joyous moment."

- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of some JOYOUS news shortly after."

- "I believe this dream was a premonition of the death of someone famous. The song in the dream was sung at her funeral."

- "The song lyrics in the dream made me think of the state of my own life."

- "The lyrics of the song made me think of a situation in my life."

Singing in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. Singing could tap into themes like "Togetherness" and "Harmony". Try to see how themes like this feature in your thought processes right now.

Keywords linked to singing dreams here is the full list of simple key words and phrases which link to singing in dreams. Try to think which of these are relevant in your life right now. If you can think of anything then your dream may simply tap into that theme within your life at the moment.
- "Moody" "Emotional" (Were you moody or emotional yesterday? Music often taps into our emotions so it may express a particular mood or emotion.)
- "Dramatic situation" Did something extremely dramatic happen yesterday? Could the dream have been a premonition of something dramatic? If yes the dream taps into the deep feelings that this has inspired.
- "A real song" Were you listening to music before going to bed? Has a song stuck in your mind? In such a case the dream could be a literal symbol for a real song. Do you think of a certain person when hearing the song in the dream? Try to think of other associations to this music - your dream could be about that subject. Your dream could be a symbolic version of your key thoughts.
- "Rapport" Were you made to feel welcome yesterday? Were you thinking about a strong bond which you are feeling with someone? Do you want to make someone feel welcome tomorrow? If so your dream could be about a strong connection which you had or hoped to develop.
- "Create the right mood" (We put on romantic music to create the right mood with a new girlfriend or boyfriend. In your mind you may be wanting to create a certain mood. Romantic music could easily express a willingness to be romantic as you rehearse how you want things to go. Loud obnoxious music may show that you are rehearsing how you wish to disrupt everything.)
- "Ideas which fit together and are consistent" (Dreams deal with creative processes in our minds. A dream symbol may be symbolic of how well your ideas are fitting together. Your dreams may therefore express your emotions and feelings about these creative ideas.)
- "Everything that happened seemed to fit into the mood" (Film makers use music to convey a message. Our dreams use similar musical metaphors. Loud heavy metal music may be your minds way of saying "Yesterday was a horrible day" whilst quiet music may express a feeling like "It was a good day")

•Rolf Harris song dream
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•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com