Stairs in dreams : Some dream symbols are difficult to understand and may have quite abstract meanings.
Stairs in dreams
- "Personal matters" "Sexual feelings"(Some stairs in dreams might be leading to specific places especially the bedroom or upstairs rooms which are private and hidden. Therefore such dreams may be a way of linking to those themes e.g. "She never talks about her private affairs" or "Whose knows what goes on behind closed doors")
- "Conclusions" "Comprehend"(Stairs may be a metaphor for higher thinking and may link into thoughts like "We both came to the same conclusion" or "I finally understand what is happening now")
Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "Stairs" in dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "Stairs" translates into very real feelings.
- "I was unable to come to any conclusions"
- "I am starting to comprehend"
- "I think I understand"
- "I was forced to conclude that..."
- "I keep imagining what it will be like"
- "A higher place"
- "Greater knowledge or understanding"
- "Going one step at a time"
A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
A scary staircase - dream symbol
Jungs house dream and the collective unconscious
Dog biting me - dream analysis
Dream about picking up half smoked cigarettes
Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
Baby and a book - dream interpretation
Tornadoes dream analysis
Top floor dream
Earthquake Dream
Skyscraper - dream analysis
Dream interpretation about well made shirt
Dream symbols - wanting to scream
Dream symbolism - gang rape
Snake chasing me - dream analysis
Prospect Road - dream analysis
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Unknown man at grandmas home - dream interpretation
Ascending huge hill - dream interpretation
Holes in upstairs dream analysis
Eerie feeling - dream analysis
Fall off balcony - dream analysis
Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
Dream symbols - deluge
Dream interpretation - difficult climb
Dream about avoiding people
A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Beauty pageant - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
Basement and sewer dream symbols
Gardener and little girl dream
Vampire dream
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Dream symbolism - picture
Dream symbolism - large college and library
Luxurious house dream
Intruder in house - dream analysis
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
Highwayman dream interpretation
Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
Looking Back dream
Alligator Attack
Exploding buildings in Israel dream
Dream - huge building and intruders
Dream analysis - impossible
Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
Dogs chasing leopard dream
Frog smiles on lilly pad - dream interpretation
Football poster and soldier - dream symbolism
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
Policeman in Falsgrave - dream analysis
Church basement dream dictionary
Chased by police in home town dream
Judge and jury and blood dream
Bleeding nightmare
Dream with a cute guy
A baby dream and large building
Difficult people from the past dream
Dream symbols - Circular bridge
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Secret service and military police - dream
Watching a crocodile pacing along my road dream
Poison food dream analysis
Cymbals dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at