Stores in dreams : What do you actually do when you go into a store? You go in with an idea of what you want and try to get those things without too much cost. Dreams are quite similar in that we have store dreams often when we are trying to decide what we want and attempting to achieve that with as little effort.
Keywords linked to store dreams
In practice news has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Various options" "Keeping your options open" (We go into shops to get what we want. In dreams they are linked to the options that are available and our thoughts about the efforts that we would have to put in)
- "What you want" (Have you been thinking what you want from life? Have you been thinking what you want and what others want may be different?)
- "Possibilities" (Shop dreams may occur when you believe everything is possible. May be you are thinking of changing things! You do not have to do what you are doing. You can do something different.)
- "Finding time" (Have you not been finding time to do the things that you want to do? Do you need to make an effort to do these things?)
Dream work - questions to help you interpret your dream
1. In what way did you use the phrase "What I really want is...." yesterday.
2. Are you trying to make time to do something?
3. Have you been thinking about doing new things?
4. Are you wanting different things in a relationship to someone else?
Multi-storey car park dream
Old memories and magical feel dream
Dream about losing books.
Get away with stealing dream
Dream about buying a computer
Bathing suit dream
Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
Zombie Attack dream
Dream symbols - zombies chasing
Dream symbols - workshop
Heroin dream
Sears Tower dream
Vampire and accused dream
Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
Pretty girls - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - wanting to scream
Small puppy - dream analysis
Prospect Road - dream analysis
Nervous about porn shop - dream interpretation
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Pick pockets - dream analysis
Stepping inside a cathedral and healing - dream dictionary meanings
Dream about buying alcohol.
Dream interpretation - flat tyre
Dream interpretation - Large department store
Very annoyed - dream analysis
A dream about an emotional day from the day before
Basement and sewer dream symbols
Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
Ghost in Haunted Apartment
Fruit shop - dream interpretation
Professional people - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - large college and library
shopping money and friends dream
Mass Murder in a dream
Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
I saw you!! - dream analysis
Remote control - dream interpretation
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
Department store - dream interpretation
Curious about camera shop - dream interpretation
Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Incubated dream
Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
Chip shop and art teacher - dream interpretation
Moving dream
Set fire to managers kitchen - dream interpretation
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
An epiphany
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck
Grandfather dies - dream interpretation
A dream with deceased family members
Brother dream
Harry potter and devil dream
Make up shop best in world - dream interpretation
Dream chocolate ice cream and ants
A body in hot water dream
Bra shop - dream interpretation
Premonition of movie sequel
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at