dream analysis study

Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that dreams which mention "strong" link to these feelings (each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page).

- "I saw my therapist yesterday and she has been HELPING ME OVERCOME my mental health problems." (the dream which features strength maybe seems unrelated to real life yet it pinpoints that same feeling of needing to stay strong)

- "I am sick of my father yelling at me. I am trying to STAY STRONG but it's a LOT TO OVERCOME."

- "I was FIGHTING with my ex yesterday."

- "I recently ended my relationship with my ex and I KNOW I AM DOING THE RIGHT THING. I am trying to STAY STRONG dealing with all the bad emotions."

- "I have ended my relationship and am dealing with all the CONSEQUENCES. I am trying to STAY STRONG."

- "I had my drink spiked the other day and it was all TOO MUCH FOR ME to deal with."

- "I have a STRONG INTUITION that he does not want to commit. I have to make a decision to end the relationship."

- "I am trying to work out which is the STRONGEST AND BEST APPROACH".

- "I am COPING WELL but my son has ADHD and it is very draining. I MANAGE TO OVERCOME most of the time." (a dream may be triggered by a situation in which you need to stay strong.)

- "I am dealing with the loss of my father but I am thinking about a very PASSIONATE ENCOUNTER which I had with a man a couple of weeks ago. I have a STRONG INTUITION about him."

- "I have STRONG FEELINGS for my teacher. I have a REALLY GOOD CONNECTION."

- "I have STRONG FEELINGS and wish for a soulmate which would provide an outlet for my PASSIONATE DESIRES."

- "I am thinking a lot about my boyfriend and my job and if they are RIGHT FOR ME. I am wondering if I should move on."

- "I have a STRONG INTUITION that this new art group I am going to is more of a social club."

Strong in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about something "strong" may simply translate into a key phrase like "determined". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "I am determined that he will not get his own way." Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.

Full list of keywords and phrases which link to "strong" in dreams
- "Draining" Did something take up an awful lot of energy yesterday? Are you been pushed to your limits? Is something draining you emotionally? Are you feeling drained because of illness? have you been overwhelmed by something? Are you in a relationship which is testing you to the very limits? If so the dream is about you needing to be strong in the face of adversity.
- "Healthy" Have you been trying to maintain your health as best you can? If so your dream is about your efforts to live life to the full.
- "Determined" Did you stand up to someone yesterday? If so the dream is about your determination.
- "Feeling" "certain" Did you do something yesterday even though you are certain it will fail? Did you have a strong feeling about something yesterday? Have you just said something even though it bound to cause problems? If so the dream is about your need to talk honestly whatever the consequences.
- "Coping with change" Have you been having to adjust to changes in your life?
- "Best approach" Were you thinking over the best approach to something yesterday? If so the dream is about you assessing whether you are going about something the right way.
- "support" "Help" Have you developed a stronger bond with someone recently? Do you depend on someone for support? If yes then the dream is about you recognising the help you are getting.

Most dreams have simple meanings - they are linked to everyday thoughts. If properly understood they would translate into everyday thoughts, the type of feelings that we write down in a diary or tell a best friend. If you were to give a quote which summed up your thoughts about the day that has just gone or the day to come then that would very often be the meaning of your dream. The story in your dream is merely a symbolic version of that thought. Just read through the list of keywords above and if one seems to fit a key thought right now then it is likely that it is linked to the dreams meaning. For instance an "strong" dream may translate into the keyword "help" and the dream is a symbolic of a thought such as "I am thankful for all the help my brother in law has given me just recently. It's good to have people you can depend on." The dream may not seem to link to such an issue but the dream deals with the basic theme of helping. Someone is a strong source of support.

•A tornado dream on a beach
•Teacher good rapport - dream interpretation
•Giant snakes dream
•Dream - ex tickling my daughters feet
•Son and feeling proud - dream interpretation
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
•Tornado warning dream
•Tornado Dream
•A dream interpretation about an orca being thrown on shore
•Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - a man overpowering me
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Castle competition dream
•Needing help dream
•Having sex with friend - dream symbolism
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Shark threatening - dream interpretation
•Dream symbols - buy drink for lecturers
•Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
•First alien dream
•A dream with deceased family members
•Psychic dream - brother in trouble
•Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
•A full moon and a guy dream
•Embarrassed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com