dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "struggle" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizes the feeling or thought which was thought to have triggered the dream. Links to full dream analyses appear at the bottom of this page.

- "I am OVERWHELMED by ILLNESS." (a real struggle in life)

- "I was watching soldiers FIGHTING in the second world war in a film. The HARDSHIP THEY ENDURED was unbelievable" (touched by someones real life struggle)

- "I woke up able to work out some maths which I was finding DIFFICULT last night." (gaining the knowledge about a topic which had previously proved a struggle)

- "I have been HELPING SOMEONE WHO WAS HAVING DIFFICULTY learning to read." (real life difficulties)

- "I have been dumped by my boyfriend. I am having great DIFFICULTY emotionally."

- "I finally managed to CONVINCE my dentist that I needed a tooth taking out." (previously unable to get through to someone)

- "I have FINALLY EXPRESSED my EMOTIONS to my boyfriend." (emotional struggles may trigger a dream but in a story line which may not seem related)

- "I managed to make a BREAKTHROUGH with my son. I feel a lot better now."

- "I have been busy with making websites. Now I want to put some EFFORT into the history website." (putting every effort into something)

. - "My mother is going to leave for Japan without telling me. We have such a BAD RELATIONSHIP." (a difficult person may trigger a struggling dream if you are unable to get through to them)

- "I am looking for a job and been putting in MAXIMUM EFFORT to no avail." (what has been a real struggle for you?)

- "My friend has been in a MAJOR ARGUMENT. I do not want to get dragged into all the HOSTILITY."


- "My husband is not putting enough EFFORT into our marriage guidance. We are having real DIFFICULTIES."

people concentrate on obvious symbols like policemen and alligators. If a descriptive word like "Struggle" appears in your dream then its much easier to find its meaning in a dream
Struggles in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Struggling" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I was thinking about the poverty my father suffered from when he was young".

Keywords linked to struggle dreams
In practice struggling in dreams has several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list. Try to think which seems most relevant. A dream will only link to one of these symbolic meanings.
- "Resist" (If you were trying to resist something yesterday then it is probably this "Struggle" that your mind is portraying? If you have been thinking about someone else's resistance to something then your dream will probably link to some thoughts about that)
- "Proving yourself" (Do people not trust you properly? Do you feel a constant struggle to prove yourself the equal of someone?)
- "Resentful" (Dreams often portray the battles in your own mind. If so then at the heart of a struggling dream can be your inner resentments)
- "Cannot stop thinking about something" (Are you obsessing about something? Can you not get something off your mind? )
- "Unable to accept" (If you simply cannot accept something then the dream portrays that struggle in your mind as you are still putting in 100 effort yet defeat seems inevitable.)
- "Poverty" (Were often use "Struggling" do describe economic hardship? Were you thinking of your own poverty yesterday? Did you become aware of the sheer extent of someones poverty? Were you thinking about poverty in general? If so then the struggling maybe portrays this hardship)
- "Stressing out" (Were you stressing out about something yesterday? If so it is probably this struggle which your mind is focusing on)
- "Difficult life" (Have you had difficult life. If so your dream maybe portrays those hardships you have had to face.)
- "Major disagreements" (The struggles in your dreams may link to some immediate disagreements.)
- "Shock" (Are you shocked by how bad things are? If so then struggling reflects the sheer extent of the problems)
- "Bad luck" (Are you suffering from bad luck? If so then you have maybe been thinking about how hard things have been. You may even be thinking if you are doing something wrong and need to change course.)

•Rats and mice - dream symbolism
•Snow dream
•Mathmatician dreams of calculations
•Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
• Dream interpretation - jeep on highway
•Witch pushed down cliff dream
•Swimming pool dream
•Trombone dream
•Epic battle dream
•Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
•Horse going uphill - dream analysis
•Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•A baby dream and large building
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•Old technology can be very reliable
•Accusing woman dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com