dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "Stupid" in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizes the background knowledge which is believed to have triggered the dream.

- "I was thinking about my father yesterday - he is STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE. He is a bad father."


- "I realise now that my PARANOIA has got worse. I have been IMAGINING ALL SORTS OF RIDICULOUS THINGS"

- "I realise now that I have NOT BEEN THINKING CLEARLY. I need to stand up to that woman because she is a bully who will continue harassing people until someone stands up to her. I am just nervous about confronting people."

- "In my dream I head my son cry out for his mum. I was STUPID for not REALISING SOONER that he needed his mom."

- "Yesterday I was in a real PANIC as my health got worse. I was NOT THINKING CLEARLY. I knew I had to CONCENTRATE on what I was doing."

- "I was watching digital TV for the first time with lots more stations. It wasn't very good - most of it was repeats."

- "Yesterday I had a driving lesson and make a SIMPLE MISTAKE. I felt STUPID and INCOMPETENT."

Stupid in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about being "stupid" may simply translate into a key word like "mistake". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "I totally messed up at work yesterday. It was my mistake!". Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.

Full list of keywords which link to being "stupid" in dreams
- "Thinking about someone who is stupid" Were you thinking about someone who is stupid yesterday?
- "Made a mistake" Did you make a big mistake yesterday? Have you realised that you have been wrong? If so you are looking back and realising that you made a mistake.
- "Irresponsible" Were you thinking about someone who behaves in a reckless and irresponsible way? Do you dislike someone who behaves badly? Did you want to criticise someone for their behaviour yesterday?
- "Mental health worries" Is your behaviour showing signs of mental illness? Have you been seriously deteriorating recently?
- "Need to speak out" Did you stand up for someone even though you were scared to do so yesterday? Did someone behave in an outrageous way yesterday? Did someone say something totally irrational yesterday?
- "Needs urgent attention" Does something require attention? Did you have to act immediately yesterday?
- "Poor self image" Do you worry about appearing foolish? Did you do something which you regretted yesterday? Did you feel sorry for someone who made a fool of themselves yesterday?

Most dreams have simple meanings - they are linked to everyday thoughts. If properly understood they would translate into everyday thoughts, the type of feelings that we write down in a diary or tell a best friend. If you were to give a quote which summed up your thoughts about the day that has just gone or the day to come then that would very often be the meaning of your dream. The story in your dream is merely a symbolic version of that thought. Just read through the list of keywords above and if one seems to fit a key thought right now then it is likely that it is linked to the dreams meaning. For instance a capturing dream may translate into the key phrase "poor self image" and the dream is a symbolic of a thought such as "I worry that my son has a poor self image. He cannot seem to succeed at anything at the moment. I wonder if something is wrong."

•Stupid joey from Friends - dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism- police arrest drunk
•Jumping off a hill dream
• Dream symbolism - stupid aliens
•A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
•my son crying in an asylum
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Commit suicide dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com