Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "Success" dreams linked to these feelings(each quote is a summary of the feelings that triggered the dream). Links to full dream analyses are at the bottom of this page
- "I have been TRYING TO PUT SOME WORK into feeling less bored with my relationship. I seem to be making PROGRESS towards this goal." (a dream which features success could be a symbol for a real life success. The dream may not appear to be linked but it just deals with he theme of success)
- "I am beginning to KNOW WHAT I WANT IN LIFE. I keep trying but yesterday was a wasted day."
- "I have set about a work project which was intimidating me yet now I am FEELING CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS." (a success dream may reflect your feelings of success in a real life situation)
- "Yesterday I came into contact with people who were YOUNGER, SUCCESSFUL AND MORE CONFIDENT. I still feel out of place and lacking in confidence." (a dream about how you relate to successful and confident people)
- "I have been THINKING ABOUT MY CAREER as an artist and want to concentrate on self expression rather than commercial work." (success represents what you want in life. So this pinpoints a clear goal)
- "I am trying as hard as I can to help my mother in her fight for health."
- "I need to take the opportunities in life when they present themselves. I will miss out on a relationship with my crush if I do not try to make things happen." (success being a symbol for your identification of clear goals)
Success in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that flying captures the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now. If you can make an association with something then this will help you see what has triggered your dream. Try to see how a dream may use "success" as a symbol for a particular type of feeling.
Keywords connected to success dreams
- "Lacking confidence"(Do you feel intimidated being around people more confident and successful? Are you having problems with your self esteem?If so the dream could be symbolic of an inferiority complex which is affecting you right now.)
- "A need to concentrate on your goals"(Have you been lazy and realise that you need to stop wasting time and buckle down? )
- "Feeling confident"(Did you feel especially confident on the day before the dream? Did you wake up in a happy and confident mood? If that is true then the dream is symbolic of this very specific mood.)
- "Getting what you want"(If you have been getting your own way then how has this made you feel about this success? Have you been allowing opportunities to pass? Have you been knocked off course in achieving what you really want?)
- "I feel like I am battling against overwhelming odds"(Have you been struggling with your health? Have you been unable to achieve your aims? Have you been thinking about someone who is battling against overwhelming circumstances? Have you been unable to get through to someone who is simply not listening?)
Dreams are like short stories which will often feature a key emotion that is very relevant to you right now. Think about how success could symbolise those key feelings. Dreams are in the here and now as they are connected to the processes of the mind - transferring thoughts and feelings from short term to long term memory banks. Just think of the various symbolic meanings above and see which is most relevant. What does the word success mean to you right now. Have you been lazy and you simply have not focused on your goals? Do you have a self esteem problem and constantly feel intimidated around successful people?
Once you have made an association with one of the key phrases above try to think up a quote which captures a key feeling. Think of quotes which capture how you are thinking right now. The more specific the better as dream meanings are not linked to vague generalisations, they are rather about very specific thoughts. For instance the key phrase "feeling confident" could be expanded to "I did something that I did not think was possible. It makes me feel elated as it has made me feel super confident".
Dream meanings can use symbols in very sophisticated ways. A simplistic dream dictionary will give you vague definitions such as "you wish to achieve your goals" if you have had a dream featuring "success". But a dream about "success" is often about a lack of success and the dreams meaning linking to things such as lack of confidence or problems with your self esteem. A dream will show hints if the symbols are being used in sophisticated ways.
Zombie Attack dream
Tiger in the boat dream
Dream symbolism - intimidating man
Winning battle dream
Dream about avoiding people
Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
Dream - screaming at snake and knife
Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
Birds in a big sectioned cage
Old technology can be very reliable
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at