Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "sudden" dreams linked to these feelings. Each quote was a summary of the thought or feeling which was thought to have triggered the dream. Links to full dream analyses are placed at the bottom of this page
- "Things have got pretty bad at work. I do not want to get DRAWN INTO THE ARGUMENTS." (Confrontations in real life can trigger dreams even though the confrontation in the dream did not seem related to real life)
- "There are PROBLEMS AT WORK. There seems to be something new happening every day." (Problems often appear very suddenly and they are difficult to prevent)
- "I want to STAY AWAY from my sister and other family members." (The dreamer wanted a quite life without any sudden problems arising)
- "I want to BREAK UP with my boyfriend." (Breakups are often sudden and will cause upset feelings)
- "I am suffering from PARANOIA and want to be on my own."
- "I FEAR that things could go badly. I am very much lacking in confidence."
- "I have got to WATCH OUT for the people who let their dogs defecate on my lawn."
- "I did not want to say anything because it might MAKE THINGS WORSE."
- "I had a voicemail from coworker who was ANGRY."
- "I was thinking through some BAD MEMORIES during my childhood."
- "I have these FEARS about moving on and adapting to changing circumstances."
- "I believe this dream to be a PREMONITION of my mothers DEATH."
- "I keep trying to AVOID that man because he is RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS ."
- "I believe this to be a PREMONITION of a GOOD DAY AHEAD."
- "I don't want anything UNEXPECTED to happen between me and my ex. I wish to get back together with her."
- "I woke up knowing the solution to a computer problem I was having."
- "I am trying to be CAREFUL and avoid some unexpected problems in my move to another state with my deaf child."
- "I am feeling UNCERTAIN AND INSECURE about my move. I am experiencing a lot of changes."
- "I don't know why I am still in a relationship with someone who is not loving. I am going through a lot of BAD EMOTIONS."
- "I know I will be going through a lot of CHANGES with my move."
- "I believe this dream to be a PREMONITION of my son's death."
- "My mother found out that I know a professor but I am WORRIED that she might find out that I know him through playing poker."
Sudden in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Sudden" dream may simply translate into the word "Realisation" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I realise now how much I should value my friends support". In this way dreams can capture vital emotions and they might translate into the types of things you might write in a diary or tell a best friend.
Keywords linked to sudden dreams
In practice sudden dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Sudden realisation" (Did you have a sudden realisation yesterday?)
- "Insight" (Have you suddenly gained an insight into something? Think back to yesterday - was there a moment of meaning when you realised that you need to take note)
- "The consequences of doing something" (Have you started to realise the consequences of doing something?)
- "No time to react" (If something happened suddenly in a dream then that may indicate that something happened giving you no time to react.)
- "Someone has changed" (Has someone changed beyond recognition?)
- "Impatience" (Do you tend to be very impatient? If so he dream may capture your wish to get things done quickly)
- "Surprising" (Did something really surprise you yesterday? Did something happen which was totally unexpected? Did you step back in surprise when you heard someone say something yesterday, almost not believing what you were hearing?)
- "Big changes" (Have some big changes taken place very quickly? Are you finding it difficult to adjust to the speed of this change?)
- "Urgency" (Does something have to be done very urgently? If so a dream described as "Sudden" may mirror the urgency in your mind)
- "Fantasy" ("Sudden" events in dreams can be linked to fantasies. So if you are suddenly with this guy you like then the dream may play out some fantasy. Fantasies are like that in that we really want something to just happen. If something is so unlikely that we just imagine it has happened without any explanation)
- "Fast moving situation" (Was something very fast moving yesterday? Is the situation quite volatile? Have you been thinking back to yesterday when things might seriously have gone wrong? If so the dream shows you recognising your good luck and remembering that things could have turned out so differently)
- "Temper and mood" (Are you suffering from big changes in mood? Are you close to someone whose temper can explode suddenly and without good reason? If so then then a sudden dream may link to that. Look for other hints to link the dream to these moods or tempers)
- "Premonition" (A dream that is described as sudden maybe a premonition of some sudden unexpected event the next day. Did something surprising happen?)
- "Inconsiderate" (If someone does something suddenly this can hint at someones inconsiderate nature. They may have taken liberties with you. It shows you wish for things to be discussed rather than people just expecting you to agree to something)
- "Under pressure" (Did you feel under pressure during a particularly difficult day? If so the dream links to those moments of real stress.)
- "Secrets" (Are you worried that some secret maybe revealed? Did someone reveal a new side to themselves suddenly yesterday?)
- "Sudden" (Think of obvious metaphorical meanings for this symbol. In what way would you use the word sudden to describe your feelings yesterday? What happened suddenly? What took you by surprise? Just think of any way in which you would use that word sudden and your dream may link to that issue. In some way your mind has noted this suddenness? Try to think why this was important to you)
Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
Two tribes go to war dream
Dream of a huge tornado funnel
Snake threatening me dream
Crash car into ex boyfriend dream symbols
Shooting gangster - dream interpretation
Crashing down a huge hill dream
Dream about red neck's taking over nice home
Dream of an aggressive border collie
Poor clothing and poverty - dream symbolism
Dream interpretation - panic whilst cross bridge
Dream - Jung's premonition of his mothers death
Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
Explosion dream
Conceptual thinking dream
Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
Danger from wolves - dream analysis
Sears Tower dream
Germans torturing a secret agent - dream analysis
Tornado funnel - dream analysis
A tornado dream on a beach
Public toilet - dream interpretation
Ticket checked - dream interpretation
Horses stampede - dream interpretation
soothing dream whilst stressed
Bitten by a snake dream
Snake at safe distance - dream interpretation
Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
Kissing my crush - dream interpretation
Shark is in slow motion - dream analysis
Lots of large rats dream
Get away from a snake - dream dictionary
Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
Prospect Road - dream analysis
Flying and chasing dream
Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
Old girlfriend dream
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Nightmare about my angry violent husband
Stepping inside a cathedral and healing - dream dictionary meanings
My Father's Visit
Parents and midnight swim - dream interpreting
Wild animals charging - dream analysis
Intruders in my house dream interpretation
Crying out for help dream
Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
Gang raping my daughter
Save and resuscitate - dream symbolism
Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
Intense beautiful smile - dream analysis
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Psychic dream of car mangled
Boyfriend slams on brakes dream
premonition of a good day ahead
William Tindall dies helping people in overturned Lifeboat - premonition dream
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - rescuing girlfriend from drowning
Dream analysis - president has died
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
Chased by wolves dream
Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
Death - dream analysis
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Vampire dream
Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
Ghost in Haunted Apartment
Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
Take off into space - dream analysis
Dream analysis - children enjoying island
Rats,worms,flies and maggots
Leeches as a collar around my neck.
we had sex in his house!
Military and christmas day - army take over task
Death comes to kill me dream
Dream symbolism - large college and library
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Ocean, cliff, boat
My son and fire dream
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
Mass Murder in a dream
Man staring at me in my house - dream analysis
Long tube dream
Dream symbols - girl uses my locker
Little and large song - music in dreams
my son crying in an asylum
Dream interpretation about lions and wild animals
Dark figure surrounds me in woods - dream analysis
Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
Dream analysis - killing at Harvard
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
Icy path - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - executed in hospital
Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
A feeling of belonging - dream interpretation
Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
Man called Frank - dream analysis
Psychic dream - prisoner released
Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
Cheating in an exam dream
Dream - the wilderness with evil women and prince
Dogs follow me dream
A trawler and plane crash - dream interpretation
Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
Run away after explosion - dream interpretation
Big dolphin dream
Dream - Bomb goes off
Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
Werewolf Love Story dream
Dream - screaming at snake and knife
Police and riots - dream symbolism
Chased by a shark dream
Dream interpretation - moving into a new flat
Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
Dream - huge building and intruders
Feeling threatened - dream
Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
Helicopter and Orlando Bloom dream interpreted
Flush & Disappear dream
Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
Dream - brother on drugs and ill
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
Commit suicide dream
Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
Set fire to managers kitchen - dream interpretation
Dream with a cute guy
A baby dream and large building
Horse dies dream
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
The way of the Lord dream
Dream symbols - Circular bridge
Mum and Dad dream
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Fixing canal - dream analysis
Kate Winslet dream in doctors basement - dream interpretation
Learning from others
Man and icy pathway - dream interpreting
Dragon eggs dreams
Harry potter and devil dream
Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at