dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "suffer" dreams in our database link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "I wonder how this ECONOMIC CRISIS is going to affect me. A lot of people are going to SUFFER."

- "I thought I was getting better but my HEALTH PROBLEMS are going to MAKE MY LIFE A MISERY."

- "I am in hospital and getting WEAKER BY THE DAY."

- "I SUFFER FROM ANXIETY and PHOBIAS. I want to be more confident but it is too difficult for me."

- "I am in a relationship with a man who lives in a different city. It has put a strain on me."


- "I fear I am going to have to take medication for my MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. I know people who take pills and seem no better."

- "I feel I need to end a relationship with someone as it may cause problems with my husband. I am reluctant to end it as he will be UPSET."

- "I SUFFER from CLAUSTROPHOBIA and its getting worse."

- "I am DEPRESSED over a break up and am feeling ALONE."

- "I have got to UNDERSTAND HIS SUFFERING as he must have been really UPSET to cut himself off from me."

- "I am due to meet my father for the first time in years. Anything could have happened in the years since I last saw him."

Suffering dreams Dreams often seem as they have no relevance to real life but simply ask yourself where "suffering" features in your thoughts. The story in the dream may seem unrelated but it will nevertheless be related to the issue in your life.

Full list of keywords linked to "suffering" dreams
- "Health problems" Has your health been getting steadily worse? Have you been very tired and feeling your age recently?
- "Understanding" Have you been trying to understand someone who seems upset?
- "Mental health problems" Have you been suffering from claustrophobia? Have you been thinking about someone close to you who is getting depressed? Have you become isolated and lonely?

its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance a dream about suffering may simply be the minds way of expressing worries about health. The story of the dream may not even feature the person who is suffering in real life. The dream merely invents a strange story which deals with this theme of suffering. But the sorts of issues that trigger dreams will not be many so spotting the thought which features suffering will not be so difficult. Think of just the last day and recent thoughts.

•Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
•Suffering from cancer dream
•Earthquake Dream
•Fighting crabs dream
•Waiting on top of a skyscraper
•Death comes to kill me dream
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Dream symbolism - Christmas
•Dream about drug dealer
•Poison a Rottweiler dog
•A dream interpretation about walls moving
• Accidently killed kitten dream
•Cancer pain - dream analysis
•At my Granddads allotment dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com