dream analysis study

T-shirts in dreams :People make a definite statement about their image if they wear a t-shirt. We can read little messages about a situation if someone wears a t-shirt. It may mean that they are trying to be casual. On other occasions the reason that they wear a t-shirt may just be linked to the exceptionally warm weather.

T-shirts in dreams
- "Casual" "Formal"(T-shirts are casual wear and so try to see how casual wear appears as a theme in your thought processes. A t-shirt dream may have been triggered by a thought such as "He is too casual at work")
- "Take things easy"(People will often wear t-shirts when they are on holiday or when they are taking it easy. Has such a theme appeared in your thoughts recently eg "I am looking forward to my holidays" or "I want to take things easy - I have worked hard recently and now I deserve a bit of a break")
- "Warm weather"(Your dream may simply be making a statement about the weather. We wear t-shirts if the weather is hot. Your dream may have been triggered by thought processes like "There is no ")

The meaning of most dreams should translate into a short quote eg "He doesn't take me seriously." below are a list of quotes which could easily link to t-shirt dreams. Ry to see how the symbolism of t-shirts features in this.

- "I have been to casual in my attitude"
- "I need to take this more seriously"
- "I am so looking forward to my holidays"
- "It's really warm at work we need air conditioning"
- "I tried to casually drop some hints"- "I have tried to be less lazy recently"


If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com