Taken in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a dream about "taking" may simply translate into a key word like "urgent". Then the dreams meaning could be summarised by quote such as "I realise now that it was very urgent. If I had not acted in the way I did then things would spiral out of control". Always try to think of a quote which captures your thoughts right now which features one of these keywords or phrases.
Full list of keywords which link to "taken" in dreams
- "Feeling powerless" Is a lot happening right now which is out of your control? Have things not been going well right now?
- "Urgent" Did something require immediate attention yesterday? Are things getting out of hand and require intervention straight away? Did you have to put a stop to something yesterday?
- "Effort" Are you exhausted a lot of the time? Has something taken an awful lot of effort? If so the dream is about you wondering if something is worth the effort.
- "Changes in your life" Is something very fluid happening in your life right now? Is there a lot going on in your life right now?
- "Sensing something bad" Is your intuitive mind trying to warn you of something bad? Do you have a bad feeling about something? Are you very depressed and down at the moment?
Most dreams have simple meanings - they are linked to everyday thoughts. If properly understood they would translate into everyday thoughts, the type of feelings that we write down in a diary or tell a best friend. If you were to give a quote which summed up your thoughts about the day that has just gone or the day to come then that would very often be the meaning of your dream. The story in your dream is merely a symbolic version of that thought. Just read through the list of keywords above and if one seems to fit a key thought right now then it is likely that it is linked to the dreams meaning. For instance a "taking" dream may translate into the keyword "effort" and the dream is a symbolic of a thought such as "It took an awful lot of effort. I know it will be worth it in the end." Simply look for something that has taken a lot of effort in real life. Your dream may not seem related to that subject but it is simply identifying key feelings and thoughts which appear both in the dream and in reality.
Walking in the dark dream
Dream interpretation - boyfriend spends a lot of money on another girl
Scrubbing walls dream
Mother lion dream
Dream - friends scared to kill cobra and viper snake
Dream symbols - gave money to boyfriend to get into taxi
Dream about getting started.
A marriage dream - a psychological analysis
Explosion dream
Sleepover with best friend dream
Baby girl dream
Four brothers - dream analysis
Cleaning up blood after doctors appointment
Zombie Attack dream
Witch pushed down cliff dream
Mother not look after kids - dream analysis
Vampire and accused dream
Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
Dream analysis - crying hysterically in car dealership
Dream symbols - principals office
Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
Tornado funnel - dream analysis
Tornadoes dream analysis
Public toilet - dream interpretation
Taking toys away from a child - dream analysis
Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Ticket checked - dream interpretation
Traverse a huge bridge with steep fall - dream analysis
Bitten by a snake dream
Snake chasing me dream
Sleepover with friend - dream analysis
Giving a baby up for adoption dream
A shark dream and its symbolic meanings
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Cousin very sad during meal - dream analysis
Running away dream!
Fighting crabs dream
Dream symbols - Raped by guys
Dream symbols - good teacher
Dream symbolism - grandfathers ashes
Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
Aeroplane never takes off dream
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Parachute opened - dream analysis
Not sexy dream analysis
Niece drowned dream
Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
Spiders eggs and birds nest - dream interpretation
Monstrous old witch woman dream interpretation
Dream - creepy invisible demon
Executed in real life - dream analysis
Place on plane
Dream symbolism - shouting at child molester
Dream symbols - bitten by dog in school yard
A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
Dream symbolism- police arrest drunk
Snake slithers after us - dream interpretation
Premonition dream of Concorde crashing
Children tortured dream
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Surrounded by black mist - dream analysis
A dream about a not being picked
A dream about a horse and a young foal
Coping with asthma dream
Frozen shark dream
Dream - time travel machine
Kinky realtor dream
Beauty pageant - dream analysis
Dream symbols - wolf and little girl
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
Attractive ladies - dream interpretation
Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
Tsunami in dream
Tornado warning dream
Tornado Dream
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
Towering building
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
Girl strips off - dream analysis
Protecting you
Take off into space - dream analysis
Fruit shop - dream interpretation
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Leeches as a collar around my neck.
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Dream symbols - romantic interest
Military and christmas day - army take over task
Rat And Dragon dream
Dream symbolism - watching a woman being raped
Friend has a baby dream
Police clothes - dream interpretation
Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Ocean, cliff, boat
New York City dream
Scream or help - dream analysis
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
Mass Murder in a dream
Long tube dream
Party at my expense
Angry with husband - dream symbolism
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Uprooting whole tree - dream symbolism
Hospital bed - dream dictionary
Highwayman dream interpretation
Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
Shark dream
Good students misbehave - dream interpretation
Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Grandfather smiles and talks - premonitions
Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
Ex driving my car - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
Deep cut and bleeding dream
Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Werewolf Love Story dream
Guidance of angel
Suicide by jumping off - dream interpretation
Dream - screaming at snake and knife
Baby crying and wolf dream -dream analysis
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Alligator Attack
Journal or Diaries being sold
Gas Poisoned
Frog smiles on lilly pad - dream interpretation
Flush & Disappear dream
Police, FBI detectives remove documents from my house dream symbolism
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
Bitten by dog - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
Church basement dream dictionary
Car Explosion dream
Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
Bury ex - dream interpretation
Judge and jury and blood dream
Bleeding nightmare
Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
Basic training - dream analysis
Dream - sharks, vacation,husband,Russia, Kremlin and Russian
A baby dream and large building
Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
Mum and Dad dream
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
Birds in a big sectioned cage
Snake chasing me - dream analysis
Low flying dream
Dream symbols - finding a bed
A dream with deceased family members
Brother dream
Secret service and military police - dream
Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
Accusing woman dream
Demand expenses - dream interpretation
Huge thrashing shark dream
Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation
Harry potter and devil dream
Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
Psychic dream - brother in trouble
Psychic dream - cat dead and bloody
Dream interpretation - plane will not take off
Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
A body in hot water dream
Angry dog dream
Betrayed and disappointed dream
Embarrassed dream
Poison food dream analysis
Torture/running/trapped dream
My deceased mother
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at