dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "threats" in our dreams database link to the following real feelings (each quote summarises the emotions or thought which triggered a dream) Full dream analysis to these dreams appear in links at the bottom of this page

- "I have been FALSELY ACCUSED of something." (Look for how threats and similar associated words such as accusations appear in your thoughts)

- "I am trying not to be CONFRONTATIONAL. If I can clear the air it would be helpful." (dreams use symbols to express thoughts. A threat is another word for confrontation. This is how the dream mind expresses conceptual feelings)

- "I am trying not to keep keep in touch with my sister in law as she is MANIPULATIVE." (Threats are a negative symbol andcan be associated with neagtive feelings such as manipulation. Ignore the strange stories that appear in dreams and see how they feature key emotions and words such as manipulation to pinpoint key feelings)

- "My mother is a nightmare as she is COLD AND MANIPULATIVE." (Look out for words associated with "threats" such as "cold" and "manipulative". Your dream will be pointing out that these emotions are in your mindset right now)

- "I am constantly STRESSED OUT as my son has ADHD."

- "My husband spoke HONESTLY and OPENLY about how he had cheated on me. It was meant to bring us together but it did not feel good."

- "I worry that my son is getting mixed up with the WRONG CROWD."

- "I am an artist and wanted to express myself rather than being PRESSURISED into commercialism."

- "I want to contact my half siblings but I do not want to DAMAGE MY RELATIONSHIP with my father."

- "I keep thinking about a situation at work as someone has been CAUSING HUGE TROUBLE."

- "I recently had my drink spiked and I feel PARANOID that it MAY HAPPEN AGAIN."

- "My girlfriend had a long talk with me and told me I was DRINKING TOO MUCH. She did not like how it was affecting my behaviour."

- "My boyfriend mentioned about a cute waitress - I found it INTIMIDATING."

- "There are so many things CAUSING ME STRESS at the moment."

- "My boyfriend suffers from depression and often takes a DISLIKE TO PEOPLE. I am wondering whether to give up on him."

- "I am very TIMID and find it difficult with people and just recently I have become quite."

- "I cannot believe my mother is moving to Japan and has not even told me.This whole thing is THREATENING MY PEACE OF MIND."

"Threaten" in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "threatening" dream may simply translate into a word like "confrontation" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I am getting lots of problems from someone who keeps behaving in a confrontational way." Dreams will link to thoughts which can be translated into quotes like this. Understanding dreams is easier than you think since most dreams are linked to the here and now as during the night we transfer thoughts from short term into long term memory banks.

Keywords linked to threaten in dreams
- "Paranoia" Do you tend to easily take a dislike to people? Do you fear that something terrible may repeat itself? Do you see enemies everywhere? Do you suffer from social phobias? Can you simply not trust anyone? If so you see threats everywhere.
- "Something important to you" Are you scared of causing problems in an important relationship? Do you fear damaging a relationship by acting in a certain way? Have you felt pressure to act in a way which you do not want to go?
- "Confrontation" Do you feel intimidated by someone? Have you been falsely accused of something? Have you been thinking about someone who is cold and manipulative? Have you been trying to clear the air in a relationship which is difficult at the moment? Has someone been causing you problems at work? If so the dream could be related to threats to your peace of mind?
- "Bad behaviour" Have you been worried because you think someone is getting in with the wrong crowd? Have you been acting in a wild and out of control way? Have you been picking up some bad habits?
- "Constant stress" Have you got an out of control child who exhausts you? Have you been suffering from work stress? Are there a lot of problems in your life right now?

•A fearsome wolf dream interpreted
•Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
•Snake threatening me dream
•A tornado dream on a beach
•Snake at safe distance - dream interpretation
•Mother warning - dream analysis
• Dream - creepy invisible demon
•Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
• Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president
•Alien spaceships - dream dictionary
•Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
•A dream interpretation about an orca being thrown on shore
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Shark infested waters dream
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Spider poses no threat dream
•Demonic grin and hobgoblin dream interpretation
•Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
•Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
•Looking Back dream
•Shark threatening - dream interpretation
•Managing people dream
•Dream symbols - Dr Who
•Torture/running/trapped dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com