Using psychology we find that "tidal waves" in our dream database link to the following real feelings
- "I am feeling a bit OVERWHELMED AND ISOLATED at work. I feel like I could be swept away"
- "I am worried about if my Nan can COPE WITH the huge storm which is forecast."
- "I am not sure how committed my boyfriend is. How would he react in a REAL CRISIS - would he protect me."
- "I am feeling tired and unwell. I don't think I could COPE IF SOMETHING MAJOR HAPPENED"
- "I have been suffering from anxiety at work. Yesterday was particularly bad - it was SIMPLY TOO MUCH FOR ME."
- "My health is SPIRALLING OUT OF CONTROL. I am not sure I could COPE WITH A CRISIS."
- "I just wanted to GET AWAY FROM those people because they looked as if they had all been in prison. I just wanted to SAVE MY SON AND ME from these evil people. I just wanted to ACT IMMEDIATELY to escape."
- "I just WANT TO GET AWAY from that person from work. He has caused me a lot of stress."
- "I was thinking about a visit to an amusement park and especially the big rides."
- "I just want to GET AWAY and SAVE MYSELF from a turbulent relationship."
- "I believe this dream to be a premonition of a real Tsunami."
- "I had an argument with my husband and it was simply TOO MUCH FOR ME."
- "I am beginning to be OVERWHELMED by my partner. I sense things are coming to a crisis point."
- "I worried that things are GETTING OUT OF HAND at work. I fear I maybe drawn into the arguments."
Tidal waves in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Tidal wave" dream may capture the huge impact an illness has had on you.
Keywords - tidal wave dreams think about these keywords and phrases. Do they feature in recent feelings and thoughts? If yes then the dream may link to that specific thought or feeling.
- "Worst fears coming true" (A tidal wave could be your minds way of saying "I fear my worst fears may come true". Have you been thinking about a worst possible scenario? If so then your dream may play out those fears)
- "Turbulent emotions" (Do you suffer from mood swings? )
- "Terrible illness" (A tidal wave is almost like an end of the world dream. Do you feel like some illness has had a catastrophic impact on you? Do you have some terrible illness such as arthritis or )
- "Overwhelming" (Dreams use symbols to describe emotions. So to describe a feeling of being "Overwhelmed" a tidal wave is an excellent symbol. Did you feel as if you could not cope yesterday? Have you been worried about someone who cannot cope? The wave is symbolic of the problems, which to those who cannot cope, will seem like mountains)
- "Huge impact" (Your dream could be your minds way of saying "That would have a huge impact" or "This has had a huge impact on me". Does a theme like that feature in your thoughts right now?if yes then your dream may capture that specific thought)
- "Worries" (Dreams are very emotional and our worries can get out of hand. A tidal wave may be appropriate for the worst worries)
- "Fear relationship end" (Do you fear a relationship will be swept away?)
- "Breaking point" (Are you at breaking point? If yes the dream could portray your own state of mind as a terrible catastrophe is occurring)
- "Someones true feelings" (Strangely a tidal wave dream, in fact any disaster dream, can link to your thoughts about someones true feelings. Have you been thinking if someone really loves you? Have you been thinking about the long term prospects of some boyfriend or girlfriend? If they appear in a dream then the dream maybe a test of how much you trust them in a crisis.)
- "Consequences" (Have you been thinking about the huge consequences of something? Maybe you are wondering if something will cause more problems than it solves?)
- "Huge backlash" (Do you fear someones huge backlash? Have you been thinking about the consequences of making a complaint against someone?)
- "False assumptions" (False assumptions and illogical ideas will be swept away in due course. What illogical ideas were you thinking through yesterday?)
- "Lack of confidence" (The root cause of a tidal wave dream maybe lack of confidence.)
Must save myself in a tidal wave - dream analysis
Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
End of the world - dream analysis
Seeing a tsunami dream
Spectacular tsunami scares off surfer - dream
Tidal wave make me run for safety - dream interpretation
Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
Tsunami in dream
Nightmare tidal wave - taking risks
Disaster (tidal wave) dream
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
Swept away by huge wave - dream interpreting
Psychic dream of Japanese earthquake
Hospital bed - dream dictionary
Grabbing daughter tidal wave - dream symbolism
Guidance of angel
Dream about whale.
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at