Using psychology we find that "tigers"(and other big cats) in our dream database link to the following real feelings. Each quote represents a thought or feeling which is believed to have triggered the dream. Full dream analyses are available in links at the bottom of this page.
- "I am trying not to get on her wrong side because I think she could be a FEARFUL PROSPECT if you get on the wrong side of her." (Few people come into contact with tigers so they are obviously very symbolic. This dream links to a feeling of fear which we associate with tigers. It links to the way the mind stores important new intuitions.)
- "I feel really INTIMIDATED by my sons father. I just don't want him to LOSE HIS TEMPER in front of my son." ("Tiger" dreams link to feelings that we associate with them. A tiger is seen in our minds as something which "loses it's temper" so that could suggest that you or someone near you has lost their temper)
- "I got into an ARGUMENT with that woman and I have not been able to relax since." (Tigers are linked to arguments as they are associated with heightened feelings. Think of moments from yesterday which involved the kinds of feelings that we associate with tigers)
- "My brother in law is in his last stages of cancer. The disease is DESTROYING HIS HEALTH." (Tigers could link to a fear that the dreamer has been savaged by illness because dreams are associated with anything to do with "savaging".)
- "I do like my friend but he seems to want more. But he will just have to keep his URGES under control." (Tigers can represent urges because they are associated with deep and open emotions. We take notice when we see a tiger in the open.)
- "I have to make a speech about something I don't agree with. I just worry that people will be ready to POUNCE if they SENSE A WEAKNESS in what I say." (In some tiger dreams the tiger represents the dreamer and could be associated with conceptual feelings such as courage, ruthlessness or anger)
- "I visited a stage school and they were all very DRAMATIC with WILD personalities." (A wild animal of any kind could link to any wild feeling within you or someone near you. Drama students are very dramatic and so can use something dramatic such as a tiger to depict them in a dream)
- "I am going to DIE tomorrow as I will be executed." (this was a dream from ancient Rome. The dreamers death would be like being savaged by a tiger)
- "I got into a HUGE FIGHT with a guy on the internet and I cannot stop thinking about it." (If you bump into a tiger then you are in for a real fight. So a tiger could be a symbol for any fight from yesterday or a fear of a fight from the days to come)
- "I was trying to be nice to people at work but I was STOPPED IN MY TRACKS by a woman who I later found out had cancer." (The dreamer was stopped in her tracks just like a tiger would stop someone in their tracks. It's a clear metaphor)
- "I was ANGRY at my child but later I found out he just wanted to say goodnight."
- "My daughter was INCANDESCENT WITH RAGE towards my partner." (We see pictures of a tiger looking fierce and angry so it can be associated with any feeling involving ruthlessness or associated feelings)
- "I am scared that PEOPLE WILL POUNCE on me if I talk to her."
- "I have decided to BREAK UP WITH MY BOYFRIEND because of something I read on the internet about him." (The dreamer was as ruthless as a tiger so it represents that particular event in the dreamers life)
- "I have decided to give up driving because I nearly caused a FATAL ACCIDENT. It was a serious MISTAKE."
- "I am caring for my sick mother. We are getting on each others nerves and I just don't want to LOSE MY TEMPER."
Tiger in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the english language. For instance a "Tiger" dream may simply translate into the word "Rage" and the dream captures the feeling "My husband got into a terrible rage yesterday".
Keywords connected to tiger dreams
In practice tiger dreams have several symbolic meanings. Try to think how the following words and phrases link into your feelings right now. Then try to write down sentences which capture your key feelings and intuitions right now.
- "Intimidating" (A tiger is obviously intimidating. Who intimidates you right now? Who intimidated you yesterday? Do you tend to get easily intimidated? Think of any link to this theme of intimidation.)
- "Bullied" (Did you suffer from bullying yesterday? Have you been bullying someone?a tiger dream may just be your minds way of saying "He is a bully")
- "Temper/rage" (Were you surprised by how angry someone was yesterday? Did someone fly into a rage yesterday? Tiger dreams may link in a very oblique way to rage. A tiger dream may be symbolic of a thought such as "I have to get angry to get through to my husband")
- "Impatient" (Impatience can be a very interesting link to tiger dreams. People who are very impatient can be very irritable and may easily explode into a temper. Have you been very irritable recently? A tiger dream maybe the dream minds way of saying "He snapped my head off for no reason")
- "Constant tension" (Obviously tigers link to heightened emotions and with that rage and related behaviour. Tigers could also symbolise general tension and underlying this is a fear that tempers could explode)
- "Avoid someone" (A tiger is something you would obviously want to avoid. A tiger dream maybe your minds way of saying "I really need to avoid her" or "I plan to avoid her". Has avoiding someone been linked to your emotions just recently)
- "Upset" (Its easy to see how tigers link to violence and temper but the link is less obvious with being upset. But tiger dreams can show that you were upset the day before. If you get upset then your emotions are savaged in the same way a tiger savages you. One scenario would be if you were to see an ex who upsets you. Maybe you are not over the break up and seeing the person drags up all those bad feelings.)
- "Life threatening situation" (An encounter is an example of a life threatening situation and so a tiger dream could be your minds way of saying "I could have died". That has many practical applications in real life such as "That car was very close yesterday and I nearly got knocked down")
- "Terrible consequences" (Dreams use metaphors rather than words. In real life we would say "If that happened then there would be terrible consequences" but a dream would feature something similar such as a tiger savaging you. So a dream still points to terrible things happening. So a dream about a tiger savaging you represents terrible things happening)
Once you understand the basic symbolism of dreams you will start to realise how they capture basic feelings such as "He was very angry yesterday". However, the more you understand dreams the more you will start to see how they can tap into more sophisticated thoughts. A tiger can link to a bad temper but think of all the ways in which you can use that concept. Its likely that a dream will link into some key feeling so look for sophisticated intuitive thoughts involving rage. For instance a wife may think "The only way I can get things done is if I fly into a rage with my husband. He doesn't respond to anything else". I believe that dreams can capture sophisticated thoughts like that. The symbolism is often more difficult to understand but given some experience you will start to see how dreams capture key intuitions, however complex they are. Its likely that a dream will capture the types of thoughts that you write down in diaries or tell a best friend. They will tend to link to new feelings and thoughts.
Tiger in the house - dream dictionary meaning
Mother lion dream
Shooting a lion - dream dictionary
Feeding birds dream analysis
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
Tiger in the boat dream
Lionel Blair dream
Wild animals charging - dream analysis
Executed in real life - dream analysis
Mansion dream - dragon monster and piano player - dream analysis
Lion sprinting dream
Dream interpretation about lions and wild animals
Endless marching dream
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Hospital bed - dream dictionary
Commit suicide dream
Huge thrashing shark dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at