dream analysis study

Using psychology we find that "tired" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings

- "I am EXHAUSTED because I am moving home. There is SO MUCH TO DO."(tiredness in real life may trigger a dream about a real life feeling of exhaustion. The dream ma seem unrelated but it nevertheless deals with the theme of tiredness in real life)

- "I have been UNWELL and I was going to call in sick at work. But then I changed my mind and battled through." (a dream which relates how we are relating to tiredness and ill health in real life)

- "I was thinking about a website which I gave up making because of ILL HEALTH. I am pleased they are doing really well."

- "I am becoming OBSESSED by the paranormal. I have been watching anything to do with it. I have been searching the internet for anything to do with psychic matters. It is not making me feel happy it is just EXHAUSTING ME." (recognising that you are maybe overdoing something)

- "My relationship is tiring me out. I want to feel more relaxed and LESS CONFRONTATIONAL."

- "I NEED TO BE MORE DIRECT and tell him how I feel instead of holding in all my emotions." (a dream which pinpoints your exhaustion in real life)

- "I do feel tired quite often because I work night shifts."(the mind is concentrating on tiredness in real life)

- "I am very FRUSTRATED because I want a relationship with her." (a feeling of tiredness may not seem related to real life but it may link to some real life frustration. Dreams symbolise our emotionsrather than the facts of our life.)

- "I keep trying to IMPRESS her but its not working it is just TIRING me out."

Research into feelings of tiredness in dreams :Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "tired" dream can translate into the word "frustrated". Then if you felt "I am frustrated at using the new software" then the dream could link to that thought.

Key words linked to the symbolism of tired in dreams?
- "Frustrated" Has something taken far too long? Have you been trying to impress someone without success? Is something proving to be a waste of time?
- "Overworked" Have you been trying to achieve something which is exhausting you? Have you been physically tired in real life? Is something just too much for you?
- "Obsessed" Have you got a hobby which is taking up too much time?
- "Make a decision" Do you need to spend less time thinking about something and channel your energies on some action instead? Is an issue preoccupying your mind?

Dreams often feature some theme from real life but the dream imagery seems totally unrelated to real life. With tiredness in dreams then look for ways in which you are tired. Ignore the story in the dream and just concentrate on the word tired. If you have been tired because you are being obsessive about a hobby then think up a quote which captures your feelings such as "I have become too obsessed with my hobby. I need to have some wider interests". Quotes like these are at the heart of your dreams meaning. They capture a conceptual thought or emotion. It is a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious feelings. What would be the point in that. Dreams capture thoughts and feelings that you are all too aware of. Some dreams will capture thoughts which are negative but you will be aware if them. In real life you may deny the negative thoughts but in your own mind you will be all too aware. The meaning of most dreams can be captured in a single quote. Think of feelings that you tell a friend or write down in a diary. Concentrate on the day before as dreams work through memories about the day just gone. During sleep we work through and transfer feelings from short term into long term memory banks. Often dreams will be about your thoughts about the day to come. Just think about the direction in which your thoughts are pointing. Are you thinking through what happened yesterday or is your mind pointing forward to the day to come.

•Dream about a war with a sniper
•Feeling tired dream
•Dream about losing books.
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•A dream about a not being picked
•Feeling sad and partners ex - dream interpretation
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•Feeling tired - dream dictionary
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com