Using psychology to study our database of dreams we find that "tornado" dreams link to these feelings (each quote represents the thoughts or emotions which triggered a real dream. Links to full dreams appear at the bottom of this page).
- "My fiance has just died. I am really STRUGGLING" (tornado being a metaphor for life's struggles)
- "I have just had an ARGUMENT with my step daughter. I am trying to smooth things out" (tornadoes are excellent symbols for arguments. They both send you into a spin)
- "I am getting really SNAPPY at work. I don't care who I SHOUT at" (a symbol for extreme emotions)
- "I keep getting PROBLEMS at work. There seems to be something new everyday." (tornadoes are a problem so they can represent real life problems)
- "I am DEEPLY UNSETTLED due to my father dying" (a crisis in real life)
- "I am in the middle of my final exams. I am very STRESSED OUT" (tornadoes as symbols for stress)
- "I am a single parent dealing with a very MISCHIEVOUS CHILD" (the child is like a tornado - non stop)
- "I am very ANGRY after a customer stole a laptop, I had been helping them." (a symbol for extreme emotions)
- "I have just moved out of my parents. I am dealing with a LOT OF CHANGES." (tornadoes can represent real life changes which are putting you in a spin)
- "I have just moved out of state and I am WORRIED AND STRESSED out about my family." (tornadoes are real worry and so can be metaphors for real life worries)
- "I am having doubts about my boyfriend. I don't know how he would be if I was in a BIG CRISIS." (a tornado is a stress and so can represent any crisis)
- "I am suffering from EXTREME STRESS." (you are in a spin in a tornado - its a metaphor for stress)
- "I was very UPSET after a small trust disagreement." (tornadoes are upsetting)
- "I am having ALL SORTS OF PROBLEMS with my boyfriend and also money problems." (a tornado dream could represent any real life problems)
- "My life is VERY BUSY at the moment with my new born daughter." (a tornado represents something that you cannot ignore)
- "I am MOVING HOUSE at the moment. It is very STRESSFUL." (sent into a spin because of changes in your life)
- "My relationship with my boyfriend is doomed because he is MOVING AWAY."
- "My family has been TORN APART by divorce. There are a LOT OF CHANGES."
- "I was watching reports of hurricane Katrina. It was shocking"(this being a literal meaning of a real tornado type event)
- "My father is dying of cancer and its causing all kinds of STRESS at home."
- "My partner is pregnant and has HUGE MOOD SWINGS. I am trying to be as supportive as I can."
Tornadoes in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Tornado" dream may simply translate into the word "Stress" and the dream captures the feeling "I have been suffering a lot of work stress really".
Full list of keywords connected to tornado dreams
In practice tornadoes have several symbolic meanings. Try to think how the following words and phrases link into your feelings right now. Then try to write down sentences which capture your key feelings and intuitions right now. Here is the full list of key words.
- "Massive stress" (The most obvious cause of tornadoes is stress. We feel that our mind has been sent into a spin)
- "Getting through a difficult period" (Shelter from storm.)
- "Heated disagreement" (Stress is the main cause of tornadoes in dreams. A heated disagreement can cause obviously cause stress so if you just got into an argument your tornado dream may represent that argument and the stress that goes with it)
- "A feeling that its one thing after another" (We can deal with problems if they come one at a time. But if those problems do not go away they can cause stress dreams. So if you are having to deal with the same problem continuously or if you have several different problems to deal with at the same time then this can cause stress dreams. One of the classic stress dreams is a tornado)
- "Continual problems" (If you have continuous problems its starts to build up your stress levels. We can cope with one problem but if its one thing after another then our mind feels bombarded.)
- "Having to organise everything" (If we are having to think of lots of things in one go then we can suffer stress and with that a tornado dream. So having to do everything can leave you feeling with a great burden and this can get to you)
- "A difficult relationship" (Tornado dreams often link to problems which keep coming up continuously. A difficult relationship will cause continuous stress and so its an ideal breeding ground for tornado dreams)
- "Major changes" (If there are massive changes in our lives then it feels like its a tornado. Our mind is being bombarded by major changes)
- "A new born baby" (Its easy to see how a tornado is a metaphor for a new born baby - its something that you need to shelter from occasionally. Just think of that new born child constantly needing attention and screaming in the middle of the night. A new mother will not know what's hit her - the child must seem like a tornado)
- "Temper" (Is someone suffering from terrible mood swings? Who can get into a terrible temper? If you can think of someone then your dream probably links to them)
- "A difficult relationship" (Anything that can send our mind into a spin can trigger a tornado dream. Relationship problems cause us constant stress)
- "An actual hurricane" (Dream symbols can be quite literal so if you were thinking about a tornado or hurricane or wind in general then your dream could be about that)
- "Relationship break up" (Any relationship break down can cause major stress and with that a tornado dream)
- "Learning someone's true feelings" (Any disaster in a dream can depict a wish to speak our minds. It is in periods of disaster that we tell people how we truly feel.)
Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. For instance one tornado dreamer had just lost her father. The tornado captured the feeling that her mind was "In a spin". She did not need to have the dream analysed as she already knew she was suffering from great stress - it was one thing after another. If she knew these basic methods of dream analysis then her tornado dream would have been easy to understand.
A tornado and sunshine - dream dictionary
Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
Dream of a huge tornado funnel
A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
Multiple tornadoes dream
Tornado dream
Tornado deam analysis
Dying in a tornado dream
Little girl dream and a tornado - dream analysis
Tornado Dream
End of the world - dream analysis
Dream symbols - surviving a tornado
Tornado funnel - dream analysis
Fiancé saves me dream
A tornado dream on a beach
Tornadoes dream analysis
tornados and numbers dream
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Distressing replay of TV scene - dream analysis
Tornado and a strange talking head dream interpretation
A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
Tornado warning dream
Tornado Dream
Huge black tornado - dream analysis
Dream symbols - ants coming through hole in roof
Dream about Hurricane katrina
Looking Back dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at