Urban in dreams :Its difficult to say what urban dreams mean. Obviously urban life is the opposite of rural life so thats a good hint.
Keywords and phrases - town dreams
- "Lots of things to consider"()
- "Complex situation"(There seems to be some evidence that urban scenes may appear in dreams if you are considering quite complex subjects.)
- "Considering other peoples feelings"()
- "Busy urban life" versus "Quiet life"()
- "A state of mind"
Dreams represent our thoughts and feelings. Most thought processes or feelings can be reduced to a small quote like those listed bellow. Those listed here could all be linked to "Urban" in dreams. Try to see how the symbolism of "Urban" translates into very real feelings.
- "The things to consider"
- "Groups of people and settings in your life"
- "Considering other peoples feelings and thoughts"
- "A state of mind"
- "Thinking about a complex situation"
Flung about a car dream
Dream symbolism - vets
Werewolf dream analysis
Deserted streets dream
Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
Two tickets for theatre dream
Get away with stealing dream
Dream symbols - zombies chasing
Walking up huge steep hill - dream analysis
Tropical storms dream
Tornadoes dream analysis
Place on plane
Dream about a swaying skyscraper
Giving a baby up for adoption dream
Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
Running for public office - dream
Impressive apartment dream - psychic premonitions
Dream symbols - hugging university friends
London dream
Community centre but locked out - dream symbolism
Gentleman like - dream interpretation
Falling trapped on rocks - dream interpretation
Trombone dream
Psychological study of a crazy haircut dream
A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
Dream - time travel machine
Huge house with TV - dream analysis
Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
Basement and sewer dream symbols
Witch makes pot of chocolate brew - dream interpretation
Suburban area and suicide spot - dream analysis
Girl strips off - dream analysis
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Tidal wave and running for safety - dream symbolism
Dream - skating down highway and primary school
Dream symbols - surgeon operating on penis
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Luxurious house dream
New York City dream
Newcastle dream
A huge monster truck dream interpretation
Mass Murder in a dream
Angry with husband - dream symbolism
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
A feeling of belonging - dream interpretation
Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
German friend - dream analysis
Scared of tornado - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - able to breathe underwater
Endless marching dream
Dream symbolism - Christmas
Dream - Bomb goes off
Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
Purple nail polish dream
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Looking Back dream
Exploding buildings in Israel dream
Dream analysis - impossible
Policeman in Falsgrave - dream analysis
Hairdresser - dream interpretation
Dream - combat in Iraq
Church basement dream dictionary
Chased by police in home town dream
Good nightmares and werewolf
Set fire to managers kitchen - dream interpretation
Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretation
Dream about being on an island
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
Avoid Darleks on main street - dream analysis
Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck
A dream with deceased family members
Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
Old technology can be very reliable
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
Embarrassed dream
Torture/running/trapped dream
Sea waves and sound files - dream interpretation
Cymbals dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at