Using psychology we find that REAL "Vampire" dreams (in our database) link to the following real feelings(each quote represents the thought or feeling that triggered the dream. Links to full dreams and analyses appear at the bottom of this page)
- "Last night I bumped into someone I really do not like. I made my excuses and left. He is REALLY EVIL." (a simple association as vampires are evil)
- "I was watching a film about the SUPERNATURAL last night. Also I have been trying to make a man I am attracted to JEALOUS." (evil thoughts)
- "I am starting a new job as a bondsman an I will have to be ALL POWERFUL." (the dreamer was the vampire)
- "I have some STRANGE IDEAS connected to my anorexia. My boyfriend is worried about it."(the dreamer was a vampire)
- "My husband is EXHAUSTING ME AND DRAINING ME. I am paranoid about him cheating on me."(vampires drain your blood)
- "I am thinking about this guy I like and how I should talk to him. I want to talk to him about sex to get him interested." (vampires as a metaphor for sex)
- "I am very introverted and OBSESSED about werewolves and dragons. I love to DAY DREAM a lot."
Vampires in dreams:Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "Vampire" dream may simply capture an everyday thought such as "I tend to get carried away with my fantasies". The vampire could then be a symbol of fantastical thoughts.
Full list of keywords linked to vampires
In practice vampires have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "Emotional intensity" (Dreams symbols can be quite odd. Their meaning is more linked to the feelings and thoughts which we associate with them. So a vampire dream maybe your minds way of saying "That was a highly emotionally intense moment yesterday" or "I feel very emotionally intense")
- "Obsessive" (Vampires are highly intense and involved and for some reason obsessive behaviour seems to creep into analyses)
- "Evil" (A vampire is a predator and is intent on killing its victims. Think of anyone who you believe is evil who is out to get you. Your dream may represent them)
- "Emotionally introverted" (If you get highly introverted then your dreams can link to the fantasies and feelings which are swilling around your head)
- "Avoid at all costs" (Dreams use symbols to describe particular feelings. Did you feel the need to avoid someone at all costs? Did you feel that someone was going to massive lengths to avoid you? (Making you feel like a vampire))
- "Wild sex and lust" (Vampire movies are often seen as soft porn. They involve nudity and wild sex and so can represent any wild sexual feelings or thoughts. Has someone been telling of their wild fantasies? Have you been having wild sex recently? )
- "Boredom" (For some reason boredom seems to link to vampires. Its probably linked to people being bored and needing to fill their minds up with wild and fantastical thoughts. Have you been bored recently? Do you live in a small town where nothing much goes on?)
- "Catch by surprise" (A vampire creeps up behind its victims and so can symbolise anyone who is trying to catch you by surprise. Is someone keeping an eye on you at work looking for the slightest error?)
- "Infection" (Some dreamers have vampire dreams when they are coming down with an illness or infection. The vampire bite is a symbol for them being struck down with the illness. It may just be flu or something but we still can feel strange as illness takes over our bodies)
- "A bad influence" (The vampire could represent someone whom is a bad influence as obviously vampires are inherently evil)
- "Drained" (Vampires suck the life out of you so they could represent any issue which is draining you of all energy)
- "Someone is out to get you" (Vampires movies are classic horror movies. Did you get that same feeling of horror an suspense yesterday in any way)
- "Jealous" (Vampires are very dramatic and evil creatures. They could link to any people who inspire dramatic emotions in you. They may especially be linked to negative emotions such as jealousy.)
Its a fallacy that dreams capture unconscious thoughts - dreams represent thoughts that we are all too aware of. A typical dream would translate into the types of thoughts that we might write down in a diary or tell a best friend. Dreams represent your key thoughts which pinpoint the problems right now. Try to write down some quotes which capture your feelings right now and try to include the words and phrases above. One of the things that we associate most with vampire dreams is being caught by surprise as the victim is struck down unawares. This theme may have an application in normal day to day life. For instance on vampire dream was thought to link to the dreamers persistent problems with her employer. She was starting to feel drained by her boss who was constantly trying to catch her by surprise. So the boss popping up out of nowhere to catch an employee not working is represented by the vampire sneaking up and catching its victims unawares.
Dreams can represent very sophisticated and unusual links to reality. One dreamer woke up in the middle of the night covered in sick. So the vampire dream he had was probably a loose symbol for bad things happening in the night. The dreamers mind was probably drifting and thinking of all sorts of strange ideas.
Vampire and accused dream
Vampire dream
Vampire, violent towards friends dream
Bite my boyfriend as a vampire- dream analysis
Husband is being extremely mean
Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
Good nightmares and werewolf
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at