dream analysis study

Wasp in dreams :Research into the hundreds of dreams has shown that wasps in practice capture the following types of feelings. See how these quotes have caught similar key thoughts in your mind right now.

Full list of keywords
- "Stinging comment" (Did someone say something nasty yesterday? Your dream could be linked to any emotions or thoughts about that situation. In this way your dream of a wasp could be triggered by a thought such as "Did I come across as a bit nasty yesterday?"(Metaphor - were my comments too stinging) or "I was really offended")
- "Annoying" (What emotions and feelings do you you associate with a wasp. If you have a wasp around you then its annoying. A wasp could symbolise any annoying comment. Your dream could be triggered by a thought such as "My sister is really annoying" (Metaphor - its like having an annoying bug or wasp around you))
- "Physical pain" (Any physical pain in a dream could be a symbol for any other physical pain. So a sharp pain in your arm could trigger a wasp dream.)

•Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son
•A tornado dream on a beach
• Dream - Father abuses niece
•Special operations - dream interpretation
•Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
•Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
•Trombone dream
•Tornado Dream
•Girl strips off - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - children enjoying island
•Dream - police threaten and train crash
•Still alive - dream symbol
•Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
•Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
•Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
• My boyfriend has died dream
• Werewolf Love Story dream
•Dream interpretation - moving into a new flat
•A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
•Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
•Basic training - dream analysis
•stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
•Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•Embarrassed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com