Using psychology we find that "worried" in dreams in our database link to the following real feelings. Each quote summarizes the emotions or thoughts thatb triggered the dream. Full dream dream analysis appear in links at the bottom of the page
- "I was helping a customer at work yesterday but later I found out that they had STOLEN a laptop. It destroyed my TRUST IN PEOPLE." (a lack of trust worries us)
- "I have had A LOT GOING ON recently." (a hectic and difficult life makes us worry)
- "I am being PRESSURED into a forced marriage. This is very UPSETTING." ( we are worried about being PRESSURED)
- "I had a big ARGUMENT yesterday with my boyfriend. I am starting to believe that the RELATIONSHIP HAS NO FUTURE."
- "I CARE ABOUT NATURE a lot and especially want to help protect wolves as they are so beautiful." (we worry about the things that we care about)
- "I wanted to do so much yesterday but I have LET MYSELF DOWN." (not meeting up to our ambitions makes us worry)
- "I am due to make a flight at the airport and I am WORRYING that things could go wrong." (planning for all eventualities makes us worry)
- "Yesterday a neighbour collapsed and was rolling around in agony. I was SHOCKED and did NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO."
- "I have an assessment at work tomorrow and it is making me ANXIOUS." (a worry dream is often about a worry in real life even though it may seem unrelated)
- "My home is being contested legally and it is my birthright. This is so IMPORTANT TO ME." (we worry about the things that are important to us)
Research into worries in dreams: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "worry" dream may simply translate into the words "It was really serious" as it's an excellent symbol for being worried. Try to see how the words below appear in your thoughts right now. If you can think of something then it's highly likely that this has triggered your dream.
Key words linked to the symbolism of crazy in dreams?
- "Fear of making a mistake" (Do you worry about making mistakes? Have you got a lot of responsibility and a lot depends on you getting things right?)
- "Fear of being controlled" (Does someone boss you about? Are you in a relationship with someone who is "controlling"? Has someone been picking on you unjustifiably? Are you sick of been forced into doing something?)
- "A difficult relationship" (Are you in a rocky and crazy relationship with lots of ups and downs? Do you worry if someone being right for you? Are you finding someone difficult to read? Are you worried about crossing a line? Are you finding it difficult to break up with someone? Do you worry that you might be caught out cheating?)
- "It was really serious" (Has something big just happened which has really stressed you out? Can you simply not stop thinking about something? Has someone just been involved in an accident? Is something causing high amounts of stress?)
- "Trying to stop others worrying about something" (Are you in a positive mood about something whilst others are being negative about it?)
- "Dreading doing something" (Have you been worrying about doing something? Is something looming in the near future? Are you going to be assessed or tested tomorrow?)
- "Illness" (Were you worried about your health the day before your dream? Have you been ill recently and you are not recovering as quick as you hoped? Are health issues becoming a major issue now? Is illness going to cause major changes in your life? Do you need to know your limits?)
- "Testing out how far you can go" (Do you try to push the limits of authority? Do you like to get away with something?)
- "Fear of being badly prepared" (Do you need to prepare for a journey? Do you have something that you need to plan meticulously?)
- "Listening to someone who is upset" (Were you a good listener yesterday? Have you been giving someone emotional support? Have you been needing help and support off others? Have you been worried about someone?)
- "Wanting to achieve more" (Do you wish you could achieve more in life? Are you not living up to your own expectations of yourself? Do you need to concentrate more on your ambitions? Are you wasting too much time doing nothing?)
- "Worrying too much" (Have you been worrying too much? Have you been caught up in a cause and need to save some energy for something else?)
Dreams are in the here and now. Many dreams link to thoughts about the day before as you transfer emotions from short term memory into long term memory. Dreams can be premonitions which are also in the here and now as they often come true immediately on the day of the dream. Look through the list of key words and phrases above and try to see if they appear in the types of thoughts that you might write down in a diary or tell a best friend over the phone. For instance, if you have been worried about being organised for a journey then the phrase above "Fear of being badly prepared" fits perfectly. So you will have found the dreams meaning. Dreams will be about something very specific like this. Soon you will learn how dreams use symbols to store your emotions. Learning how symbolism works will help you spot premonition dreams because you have to rule out other types of meanings.
Dying in a tornado dream
Worried dream
A dream about wolves forcing their way in
Slitting wrists - dream interpreting
Setting a wolf free - dream meaning
Dream symbolism - intimidating man
Going too far - dream symbolism
Miss plane flight - dream analysis
Crying out for help dream
Police Station dream
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Tsunami in dream
Tornado warning dream
Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Friend has a baby dream
Bite my boyfriend as a vampire- dream analysis
Newcastle dream
Guy goes gun crazy dream
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - father helps and mother angry
Family being torn apart.
Dirty cats - dream analysis
Dream dictionary - worried about boy
Feeling tired - dream dictionary
Werewolf Love Story dream
Best friend swears - dream analysis
Father worried about house dream analysis
Fallen trees - dream analysis
Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
Comforting house dream!
Chip shop and art teacher - dream interpretation
Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
A baby dream and large building
Dilapidated house dream
Mum and Dad dream
Harry potter and devil dream
Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at