dream analysis study

TYPES OF DREAMS - dreams about Yesterday

These are the easiest dreams to interpret. If something big happens the day before then we know almost for sure that any dreams that night will relate to this big event. Its a give away! You know the dream is about this incident - its just a matter of working out the dream symbolism. You know what has triggered the dream - you just need to understand it!

If something big happens the day before this can easily cause dreams. A big event will dominate our minds. How could we expect a dream to be about anything else? Put it this way - if you had a dream on the night of September 11th 2001 would you seriously expect it to be about anything other than the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. You would have to be seriously preoccupied to have dreamt about something else. There are very few events like 9-11. Most big event dreams will be about incidents in your own life rather than in the lives of others.

EXAMPLE DREAM I dreamt that it was the first day in the Big Brother House(in fact I have been in here for several days). I was meeting all the other contestants again. I was meeting them for the first time. The Big Brother people were torturing us. The competition would last for two years instead of a few weeks.

This dream was told by a contestant on a TV reality show(Big Brother). She had just had the worst day the day before. There had been racial tension and a terrible atmosphere - she felt completely friendless. How could this dream not have summed up her immediate mood? She must have felt tortured.

EXAMPLE DREAM - I am at the beach. I am angry because there is a traffic jam. I am talking with this man and complaining that its all the fault of the government and then I point to this aqueduct type thing. The water is been lifted up and down in this aqueduct type thing.

The dreamer had just had a long day caught up in bureaucracy and form filling. He was wasting time and energy in a somewhat annoying task. This dream just replayed this emotion.

Psychologist's have repeatedly said that dreams are about our thoughts and feelings. Yet they fail to recognise that most of our emotions at any one time are focused on the here and now. If dreams are about our thoughts and feelings then they will be about the argument we had the previous night or the electric bill which will soon be coming.

EXAMPLE DREAM I had a dream of 6 killer whales in a Sea World type aquarium setting. Two whales were adults, 4 were babies. The two were up on the "stage" with their babies and they were very proud of them. I was able to reach over and pet them all. They were very happy to be petted and one of the adults even rolled over while I was petting him/her so I could rub the other side.

The previous day the dreamer had been talking to a male friend whom she wished to develop the relationship further. He was upset about something and she pointed this out to him. The dream represents a crucial moment where they became more intimate. Its no coincidence that they both had two children and so the dream represents the coming together of their families.

CLICK HERE: For full analysis

Psychologist's often state that dreams are about deep seated issues involving the personality. Yes dreams will link to phobias and fears which go to the very heart of your personality. But such issues will still link to the here and now. People are constantly evaluating if they can overcome some fear. Your dream will link to how you are coping with that fear or phobia right now! We constantly monitor how well or badly we are doing. We constantly wonder if there is room for improvement.

Dreams about big incidents from the day before - the very big incidents such as major arguments or problems - will often result in long dreams. Take this one

EXAMPLE DREAM In last night’s dream it was Saturday night and I was in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I had arrived by train but the train stopped there and didn’t continue it’s trip. The next train didn’t leave until Monday morning. I went to the airport but the next plane didn’t leave until Monday morning. Then I went to the bus station but the next bus didn’t leave until Monday morning. All of the rental car agencies were closed until Monday morning. It was night and I was looking for something to eat. All of the restaurants were closed until Monday morning.

I was standing across the street from a building. The building was made out of rocks and cement. It also had a flat roof with a sloping brown metal apron around it. The entrance was across the street, but the driveway went down a hill into the parking lot. Street level was above the building’s roof. I saw other people walking into the building so I followed. The doors were on the south side of the building.

The inside of the building had no furniture. It had thick brown carpet, gold walls, and tile ceiling with fluorescent lights. On the west wall was a white screen for a movie projector. I sat on the floor with a few other people along the wall opposite the screen.

A man who said he was a pastor put a film in the projector. The film was home video of people whipping elephants. Their whips had sharp metal at the ends and they whipped the elephants until their skin fell off. The pastor said that cruelty to animals is immoral and he was organizing a trip to Africa to stop this. Then the pastor said "An elephant never forgets".

Then another man in the audience got up and said that he was a pastor who had his own radio talk show and his own TV talk show. This pastor said that cruelty to animals Isn’t immoral and there was nothing wrong with whipping elephants until their skin fell off. Then he said that he has been to Africa on several elephant whipping trips and he was organizing another trip to Africa to whip more elephants.

At that time the pastor who showed the film opened the front door to the building and an elephant came inside. The elephant had about half of it’s skin missing. The rest of it’s body was pink and covered with yellow blisters. The elephant walked up to the pastor in the audience and said "Do you remember me? I remember you. An elephant never forgets." Then the elephant kicked and trampled the poacher pastor to death. After the pastor was dead the elephant left the building.

I walked outside and the sun was up. There was a construction company building a new driveway into the building. There were two surveyors at the end of the driveway. The surveyors were being yelled at because they surveyed it wrong and the curb on the west side of the driveway was 1.8 feet lower than the curb on the east side of the driveway. I walked up the driveway and there was a Mexican man standing next to a new sewer. He looked at me and said "That’s my Quiva de Cerveza" ( I don’t know if that makes any sense in Spanish ). I looked down the sewer and there was all kinds of Mexican beer inside. I reached down and pulled out some cold ones and shared them with him. The temperature inside the sewer was one degree above freezing and the beer tasted very good.

At that time another man drove into the parking lot with a semi. He looked at me and said "Here’s your transportation out of Cheyenne, you can drive it to Denver." I looked him and told him I would take US Rt. 85 south to US Rt. 34 west to I-25 south because I wanted to avoid the truck scales. Then the man took away the truck because he didn’t want me to go that way. He said it would take too long.

Then the same man drove into the parking lot with a car. He said I could drive the car to my parents house ( which is northwest of Denver ). I told him I would take I-25 south to the Northwest Parkway to US Rt. 287 south. Then the man said "I don’t like that way. Northwest Parkway is a turnpike and this car doesn’t have ExpressToll". Since he didn’t like my proposed route, he took the car away from me.

Then I called my parents to come and give me a ride out of Cheyenne. They pulled up in their van and my aunt and uncle were with them. They parked on the other side of a ditch. I looked at the ditch and it was filled with thorny plants that had magenta flowers on top. The ditch looked like it was ankle deep so I was going to walk across it. I took one step and I fell in the ditch. I was surrounded by thorny plants that were seven feet tall. I climbed back out and I was covered with prickly thorns.

Then the dream ended. In the dream I failed to leave Cheyenne, WY, which is what I intended to do in the beginning of the dream.

THE REALITY The dreamer was in Florida staying in a hotel. He ordered a private mail box so He could receive mail. He told people to either send mail to his address in New Jersey or don’t send anything at all. His Dad ignored his request and sent him a parcel to the address of the hotel where He was temporarily staying. He didn’t find out about this until he was ready to check out, so consequently He had to extend his stay and wait for that package. The dreamer didn’t say anything to his Dad about sending the package where he told him not to send it because that package was a Christmas gift. It would be very insensitive to bite someone’s head off because he didn’t like the method they used to send a gift.

You can see elements of the dream that are clearly linked to this issue. The whipping of the elephant is a metaphor - should he lose his temper with his father over this matter? His father would remember this for a long time - the dreamer had to extend his stay at a hotel because of his father yet it was in order to receive a Christmas present.

Its a bit of a dilemma. He was telling himself to be more generous - to take on the role of the pastor - looking at the good.

This dreamer had a disastrous day the day before. Who could fail to link the following dream with break up with her boyfriend. This all takes place with the knowledge that the day to come she has to take an important exam. The huge waves, World War Two bombers, and the floods depicting the huge emotional turmoil in facing a break up. The chocolate, the blanket and the hospital all symbols of comfort, and emotional healing. Even the IBM computer - symbolising the need to study - she faces an exam the next day.

EXAMPLE DREAM Chris (one of my best friends but also my crush), Malcolm (another one of my best friends and I go for a walk along some coastline promenade. All of a sudden a huge wave floods some 10 or 20 meters of our way. When it retracts, it almost sweeps me away (though the water just goes up to my knees the dead water just is too strong), but Malcolm quickly comes over and saves me by telling me to cling to the close-by guardrail. (This part was somehow all grayish, lacking colour - a bit like the first colour movies)

We are then in some town where there is loads of poverty. The three of us lie down on a large bed in the countryside and as we have something to eat loads of people came and demanded some food. When we have nothing left we hid in the blankets.

Later, some airplanes (reminding of the "raisin bombers" they had during WWII) come by and drop some bags with food which is distributed.

Later I go to some overcrowded bakery and get some cheap stuff. But once again, I somehow end up giving it all away. Then, we go to a city on a hill and walk around. it’s a tourist place with loads of people around and the weather is very nice, a bit like in Italy. But suddenly, a wave comes down the hill, flooding the streets. We run away, lose Malcolm somewhere on the way and save ourselves by climbing on roofs (or rather archways built of fragile wood). But those roofs collapse and we fall down. Fortunately the wave has already passed the area.

Later, we walk through the devastated, destroyed streets and go into some bars. Most of them are completely empty but one Isn’t. There’s almost no-one inside but we stay for some time anyway, sitting on the filthy bar stools, ignoring the waitress (and equally being ignored by her).

Then, we find ourselves in some mixture of a hospital and a youth hostel in a different city. For some reason, Chris and I don’t want to see Malcolm, although we had originally planned to visit him so we flee to some room when he comes out on the corridor. In that room we meet T.K. (Some 28 year old guy I know) who wonders if he is really in the right city (we seemed to have met in the city on the hill. But I don’t really get what he means).

I arrive at a bus station where I meet a lot of people from my grade. Everyone wants to gather information on his or her studies. Thrisha (a girl from my grade) tells me about some cheap grocery. I go there and it turns out to have a lot of different stuff (loads of fresh fruits and vegetables, jewellery, deodorant, perfume, sweets, clothes,...) with very different prices. I get some ice tea and a bar of chocolate and I promise to come back. I walk out, snatching A.’s feather boa.

So we return to the bus station. I want to go to IBM but as they have their main office in the city on the hill, I wonder if it is destroyed.

•Dream about a drunken promise
•Psychological analysis of a homeless dream
•Psychological analysis of a knife dream
•Deep cut and bleeding dream
•Being attacked by a shark while friend was laughing dream
•Don't judge a book by its cover - dream interpretation
•Dream interpretation about bungalow and amoeba
•Staying calm with snake - dream interpretation
•Dream symbolism - plane crashes into stadium
•Car crash off cliff dream
•Beetle car dream analysis
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
•Going happily downhill dream
•Church basement dream dictionary
•Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
•Dream interpretation - difficult climb
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
•Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
•Tornado and a strange talking head dream interpretation
•Very annoyed - dream analysis
•Conflict with people at work
•Huge mansion and criminal gambler dream symbolism
•Crossgates - dream analysis
•Avoid Darleks on main street - dream analysis
•Daughter lost - dream analysis
•Young daughter raped - dream analysis
•Trust a man in my house - dream analysis
•dead body and sailing ship - dream interpretation
•A dream with deceased family members
•Dilapidated house dream
•Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation
•Dream analysis - president has died
•Stab my boyfriend dream interpretation
•Dogs follow me dream
•Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
•Chased by a dragon dream
•Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
•Dream - unintelligible drunken crow
•Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
•Engagement ring missing - dream interpretation
•Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
•Executed in back of head dream
•Murder a stranger dream
•Falling from great height dream
•Teeth falling out - dream analysis
•Family of whales - dream interpretation
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•Having sex with friend - dream symbolism
•Save and resuscitate - dream symbolism
•Singing of football songs - dream interpretation
•Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
•King in a contest dream
•Floods dream
•Missile from outer space dream
•Putting on rings and God!
•Hidden in garden of mansion - dream analysis
•Mermaid - dream analysis
•Grandmother falls - dream analysis
•Dogs chasing leopard dream
•Untidy house - dream analysis
•Throw knife and kill guard - dream
•Dream dictionary - chased by boss and caught by security
•Pointing gun at friend - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - handling snake
•Touching a woman's breasts - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - police shooting
•Eerie feeling - dream analysis
•Remote control - dream interpretation
•Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
•Hospital bed - dream dictionary
•Feeling threatened - dream
•Spilling urine - dream dictionary
•Woman asks at my moms funeral - dream interpretation
•Dream symbols - huge college
•Scared of huge wave - Dream
•Dream about whale.
•Dream interpretation - husband crosses river
•ignored by boss - dream analysis
•Intruder in bedroom dream
•Dream - huge building and intruders
•Iraq dream
•Exploding buildings in Israel dream
•kidnapped - dream analysis
•Killing snakes - dream interpretation
•Angry with husband - dream symbolism
•Husband kissing another woman- dream interpretation
•Guy goes gun crazy dream
•Wild animals charging - dream analysis
• Notice pulsars and shining stars - dream analysis
•Lion sprinting dream
•Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
•Little and large song - music in dreams
• chased up a tree by an alligator dream
•A perfect fit - dream analysis
•Sisters loft - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
•Low flying dream
•Swapping positions - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - men huddled together
•Hero and mentor - dream analysis
•Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
•Dream analysis - Michael Moore
•My Father's Visit
•A huge monster truck dream interpretation
•Murky water - dream analysis
•Mutant - dream analysis
•A dream triggered by a huge argument the day before
• Dream - angry man at aqueduct
•Dream - night garden and flowers that shine
•A body in hot water dream
•Snake chasing me - dream analysis
•Trespassing - dream analysis
•Scream or help - dream analysis
•Mother warning - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - email from sister
•Parachute opened - dream analysis
•Devious parcel delivery dream
•Perfect smile - dream analysis
•Stealing photos dream
•Running for public office - dream
•Poison food dream analysis
•Evil wart faced cackling hag - dream analysis
•Secret service and military police - dream
•War zone dream
•Nervous about porn shop - dream interpretation
•Friend has a baby dream
•Presidential power dream
•Dream symbolism - intimidating man
•Snake chasing me - dream analysis
•Cave man dream
•kissing man - dream interpretation
•Dream of an aggressive border collie
•Dream symbols - Raped by guys
•Dream symbolism - raped and bitten
•Mick Jagger dream
•Running away dream!
•Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
•Dream interpretation about well made shirt
•Dream - having sex with sister
•Huge thrashing shark dream
•Dream - sharks, vacation,husband,Russia, Kremlin and Russian
•Story about a shark dream
•Dream interpretation - shiny new bike
•Fruit shop - dream interpretation
•A shark dream and its symbolic meanings
•Discussion and baby dream interpretation
•Demand expenses - dream interpretation
•Basic training - dream analysis
•Community leader and snake - dream interpretation
•Accusing woman dream
•Dream analysis - children enjoying island
•Giving a baby up for adoption dream
•Snake threatening me dream
•Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
•A dream where you are bitten by a snake
•Bitten by a snake dream
•Dream about a war with a sniper
•Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
•Protected by SAS - dream
•Dirty pond - dream analysis
•Staring dream
•Ghost in Haunted Apartment
•Deserted streets dream
•Girl strips off - dream analysis
•Baby in a purse dream analysis
•Tardis and time travel dream
•Foreigners think I am a criminal dream
•Disaster (tidal wave) dream
•Tiger in the boat dream
•Titanic is sinking dream interpretation
•Public toilet - dream interpretation
•Top floor dream
•Topless shoot - dream interpretation
•Tornadoes dream analysis
•A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
•Huge black tornado - dream analysis
•Torture dream
•Terrible Nightmare
•Germans torturing a secret agent - dream analysis
•Tree falling - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - steal from tutor
•Dream analysis - crying hysterically in car dealership
•Embarrassed dream
•Baby dies - dream symbol
•Vampire and accused dream
•Gun pointed at me - dream dictionary
•End of the world - dream analysis
•Waiter who is my boyfriend - dream analysis
•Wanting to live and to achieve - dream interpretation
•World War Three - dream analysis
•Wedding dress stain - dreams symbolism
•Dream about whale attack
•Wild Horses dream
•Surrounded by wolves - dream analysis
•A dream about wolves forcing their way in
•Dream symbolism - vets
•Dream symbols - zombies chasing
•Sex with man I know - dream interpretation
• Dream analysed - hospital and huge flood of poverty, destruction and filth
•Four brothers - dream analysis
• Dream : Airport, trains and cars closed and elephants skin whipped
•Best friend swears - dream analysis
•A dream about an emotional day from the day before
•Dream about buying a computer
•A dream about Coronation Street
•Flung about a car dream
•Dying in a tornado dream
•Get away with stealing dream
•A dream about playing with a baby
•A safe fall dream
•paracetamol overdose dream
•Public toilet dream
•Dream symbols - out of control
•A marriage dream - a psychological analysis
•Stealing a cup dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com