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TYPES OF DREAMS - health dreams
Dreams can be about many issues. Just try to think what has been on your mind. So if there are major health issues in your life then dreams are likely to be related to these. Just try to look for crucial changes in your health status. Dreams will surely follow at these moments. Try reading the following dreams.
THE DREAM I dreamt about a King named Idendra. He was about to die.
REALITY The dreamer had been suffering badly from ill health. He had always been very fit and healthy. Now he realised that he was dependant on help from others to get him about. He had a lot less independence in his life. The king has died in the dream. This refers to his own situation as he was no longer 'king' in his own life. It was an emotional turning point as the dreamer was starting to realise that his life may involve other people taking control. He no longer had power over his own destiny. He would be looked after by others so he no longer had control in his life.
THE DREAM - I have had the same dream for seven days. I am in this run down old factory. There is this little girl - she can't be any more then 12 or 13. She is covered in blood which is just dripping from her hands and body even her hair. I cannot move as I just stand there staring at her as she just stands there not doing anything. It seems like hours.
THE REALITY The dreamer had been battling with cancer in her right kidney which had shut down. The doctors think she was winning the battle. The dream captured her feelings as she was counting the damage. She had won the battle for life but at what expense. The girl was covered in blood symbolic of her emotional exhaustion and pain.
THE DREAM I am in the middle of an earthquake. The earth opens up and I think to myself that I will have to make a major effort to stay alive. I run for my very life as the earth collapses around me. I am then in a river with a group of soldiers. I am still running and I notice that there are soldiers there ready to pounce on anyone who breaks formation. We have to stay disciplined.
THE REALITY The day before the dreamers chronic hay fever had started to return. Recently this had disappeared. That was during a period of building work. The dreamer was thinking about this the night before. He noticed that it may have been his need for discipline and the hustle and bustle of the building work that had help clear his system out. The dream was remarkable in how it captured this insight into the dreamers help. The earthquake symbolised the complete upheaval that the building represented. The soldiers linked to the need to stay disciplined just like the real life need to stay active to overcome the chronic hay fever.
THE DREAM - I was at some sort of party. There were lots of police there. I am talking and friendly towards the police. Later on a lady who works at a homeless hostel is there. She is making an assessment of me.
THE REALITY The dreamer was starting to realise that he would have to start dealing with a health problem. Things were getting very serious and if they did not get dealt with soon then things would end up with the dreamer collapsing in public or just being unable to cope. Analysis of the dream symbols shows how the dream captures this very same insight. The homeless officer is symbolic of people in deep need as other people take over their lives and assess their needs - something looming in the near future for the dreamer. The police represent the dreamers own recognition of his serious health condition. Police interfere in the lives of those who are seriously ill. If the dreamer was to collapse in public he would face the police first. Therefore the dreamer was recognising that if he got much worse he would no longer have the choice. People would simply take over his life as his health was so bad.
THE DREAM - It was the end of the world. The whole area has been devastated. Then I see that a baby has been growing as if everything is normal.
THE REALITY The previous day the dreamer had started to do some things that he had not done in a long time. He had been discussing software packages with a new friend. He had been unwell for some time but recently things had started to improve substantially. The baby growing shows signifies the possibility of a recovery. Things seem normal because the dreamer felt that things were returning to 'normal' - that a period of wretched health was now being replaced by good health.
THE DREAM Recently my dreams seem to revolve around me losing my purse. A very odd dream for me as I don't usually carry purses in dreams. It would happen in all different circumstances. I would go somewhere, leave, and then realize I had forgotten my purse. I'd go back to find it but couldn't (or would wake up prior to finding it). I never did find the purse.
THE REALITY The dreamer was suffering from a progressive lung disease. She was often very tired and would get sick a lot. At work(which was always VERY important to her), she was taking time off. She knew she would be fired(which she was). The lost purse perhaps symbolises the loss of money caused by loss of her job. Loss of a purse also causes chaos as you lose cards and identity papers.
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What does it mean - helping disabled dream
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Football dream analysis
Psychological study of a medication dream
Study of terrorist dream
Feeling tired dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com