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TYPES OF DREAMS - relationship dreams
Dreams can be about relationships in our lives so if you have been thinking about a relationship then dreams can link to thoughts and insights and emotions that you have had about this relationship.
You are bound to have lots of dreams about important relationships. They reflect your attempts to read this persons feelings. Each dream may symbolize certain aspects of the relationship eg "He doesn't value me!", "He just ignored how I felt", "He was angry yesterday - maybe I should take account of his strong feelings" etc.
We constantly monitor the state of important relationships. We note if the person is acting unusually. We see if the relationship is running smoothly. Relationship dreams are often difficult to understand accurately. Often the same themes emerge time after time. Its difficult to tell which way a dream points. If you have had a dream about a stormy relationship then its often difficult to trace its source. Did the dream point backwards to the previous day - a dream noting the arguments from the day before. Did the dream point forwards and so represent worries about the future - a fear of arguments to come.
Take the following simple short dream
THE DREAM - I was sat at the table and there was my boyfriend and another woman sat also. Everything seemed normal but I just remember thinking - who is she?
What does such a dream mean? Well try thinking about actual new emotions that you have had concerning your relationship. One continual problem for the dreamer was that her boyfriend had continually failed to commit to her even after a long term relationship. So its easy to see how this dream can interpreted. The other woman symbolises her own insecurities about this relationship. The dream probably linked to some particular situation from the previous day or merely some paranoia inside the dreamer. In some way this insecurity was being pinpointed by her mind. She was concentrating on this. Right then it was an issue.
Of course dreams will be about relationships. Take this dream - a shark attacking a girl. It all took place on the eve of the dreamer splitting up with her boyfriend. She was determined it was going to end. The shark represented his response - its attack is limited to the sea - it cannot follow through on land. that represents the situation in reality - the dreamers fiancé could get angry (like a shark) but eventually the tension would end. The dreamer would be like the little girl - on dry land and free from the sharks attack. The dream represents her judgement of how he would take the break up - he would get angry but their would be a limit to this. That eventually they would break up and she would be better off for it. Yet the shark does come onto land - this merely symbolises the chances of things going wrong. That he may totally lose his temper and a terrible scene would follow and he would really not accept the break up. She would not be safe as she assumed that she would be - just like the little girl who might think she is safe from a shark whilst on dry land.
THE DREAM I was on a beach with my fiancé standing to my right - it was the scene of an idyllic picture - the calm smooth blue water in front of us - it was like a small bay. There was a couple in front of us as well and they were watching their daughter swimming in the water - she was coming towards the shore. In the next moment I see a black fin slicing through the water and I start to panic for the young girl, maybe 12, and I start yelling for her to swim faster only the fin Isnt going towards her its coming towards me (the parents of the girl and the girl herself not at all bothered by this shark - the girl has reached shore safely. The parents have never turned their faced toward me but I do catch a glimpse of the girl who it appears either autistic or has down syndrome or something like that) Meanwhile I watch this fin coming closer to the shore and then another to the right of me is doing the same. I'm not too scared because it's not like it can come on shore can it? Only it does - the one shark that I thought was going after the girl is on shore and snarling at me and thrashing around trying to get closer. its black and its vicious and its hideous and evil. The shark that is still in the water is also with its mouth wide open. If a shark could roar thats what they were both doing.
This next dream took place as the dreamer is about to meet a guy she met on the internet. Who could doubt it links to her emotions - the big city lights representing the big hopes of the relationships success. Yet adverts are also lies - they feature exaggerated claims which are surely relevant here. She cannot be sure what he has said is true - he maybe like the large corporations with extravagant claims made in expensive billboard ads.
THE DREAM It was my birthday weekend, and my Dad was flying me to New York as a gift. In the dream, I had this unusual obsession with billboards. Every sign I saw I loved and Dad knew that, and it was one of the reasons he took me to New York. We walked around the city and looked at everything. He then told me that he had arranged for a surprise, that the biggest tallest billboard in all of New York I was going to be able to climb to the top of, and see the city from above. The guy Im talking to in England was also flying in to meet us there as part of the surprise. He called my phone to let me know he had arrived, and was surprised to learn from my father how much I loved billboards. He said he would have to remember that in the future. We got into a limo, and rode to the billboard. It was night time, and gorgeous outside. When I got out of the limo, the guy in England was there, with flowers and balloons, and he had the billboard decorated in glittering colors, that said Will you marry me? At this point I woke up.
This next example was from a lady who had recently split up with her husband. It surely captures the emotional state she was in - and the perhaps unrealistic belief that they would get back together again.
THE DREAM I started out in this house, a fairly large house, with a stone patio on a flat surface. This was something that I have never seen before, something European like, but I have not been there. My friend Derek, he was with me, and over the patio was this garden. But not just any garden, a garden with stone pillars and vines and arch ways and such.
Over on a small hill, but in the yard, was this unknown building. Derek wanted to go there, and insisted that we take a look. We were on our way to a show of some sort, so I told him to wait for later. He still insisted to look, but when we got there, it was no bigger than a childs toy and it was a court house, with a judge an jury thing. (No people) then, I walked to the show, and when in this brown building. I appeared in what was a brown cardboard box, and I started to paint in it, (it was big enough to lay down) I painted a night sky with stars and evergreen trees. It was a winter scene and the painting started to become alive. I was walking on snow, and I could look at the stars, (but there were still sides to the box so it wasnt an open area). I had this mission to paint snow on the needles of the tree and such. So I lay down, and start painting the sky purples and black and oranges to make it more, vibrant.
Then I was whisked away and I was in the brown building again, I ran up some escalator, and in my dream I felt a male presence. I made my way up this escalator, and at the top, someone said "chopped in half" and then this woman (contentedly) was making her way up the escalator, and in my dream I knew when she reached the top she was going to get grinded by the teeth of the stairs and just get bloody mangled in it. I was oddly excited in my dream and I wanted to see blood and hear her scream (I have no hate toward anyone really no its not like I wanted anyone to die in real life) but 2 seconds, before she reached the top, Homer Simpson appeared beside me, and said "chopped in half" and then JUST before the presumed bloody mess, my friend Sam woke me up and told me it was time to get ready for the day. Very strange, and I am still very eager to see this horror show. I wasnt scared in my dream, I was oddly patiently awaiting this woman to die.
Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretationBible verses dream
Assaulting mother in law dream
Bike accident dream
Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation
Dream - Gunman steals mobile phone
Blocking bird from entering house - dream analysis
Paired up with guy I like - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - blindfolded
Laugh, cry and blood - dream interpretation
Judge and jury and blood dream
Boyfriend begging - dream analysis
Dream symbols - searching for boyfriend
Boyfriend cheating dream
My boyfriend died - dream analysis
Dream symbols - gave money to boyfriend to get into taxi
Boyfriend leaves you for another girl dream
Son and feeling proud - dream interpretation
Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
Copperhead snake strikes - dream interpretation
Young women on bus dream
Wanting father to help - dream interpretation
Dream - my father buys me dog I do not want
Dream - dolphins and lifeguard and beautiful calm sea
Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
Cancer pain - dream analysis
Dream of a secret place
Not heard properly - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - phone answering machine
Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
Boyfriend slams on brakes dream
Cat not recognized - dream analysis
Accidently killed kitten dream
Dream interpretation - Eldorado
Chasing dream - dream dictionary
Cheating on boyfriend
Dream - true passionate love and dog
Trombone dream
Dream symbolism - Children died
Children raped - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - child in tantrum crying
Dream symbols - chocolate bar from boss
Mum and Dad dream
Cicaro is murdered - dream symbolism
Dream symbols - Circular bridge
Seven year coma dream
Difficult people from the past dream
Poison a Rottweiler dog
Three coyotes walking with me!
Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes
Crocodile mouth dream
Crossing a river dream interpretation
Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
Cutting brothers head off - dream analysis
Two dead blood covered bodies - dream interpretation
I dreamt of my dog dead
Talking with deceased neighbor dream symbolism
Dead bird in my bedroom - dream interpretation
Kate Winslet dream in doctors basement - dream interpretation
Bitten by dog - dream analysis
dog bite dream
Digs biting- dream dictionary
A black friendly dog - dream dictionary
Angry dog dream
Dream - dog,cop and robber and sister
Dragon eggs dreams
Trusting and gagged dream
Dream - brother on drugs and ill
First alien dream
Huge elephant and squirrel dream
Engagement ring dream
An epiphany
Swimming with sharks - dream analysis
Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
The face of death - dream interpreting
Woman avoiding me dream
Dream interpretation - mother and father in ambulance
Fighting my father - dream analysis
Fighting mothers
Dream symbols - finding a bed
Swarms of flies and father warns - dream symbolism
Flush & Disappear dream
Dream analysis - forgot a relative
Introduced to friend - dream symbolism
Frozen shark dream
Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
Gang raping my daughter
A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
Giant snakes dream
Giant tree dream
Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
Girlfriend baby!
girlfriend cheating dream
Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
Wedding dress and vulture - dream interpretation
Older brother dream
Grand Hotel in dilapidated state dream analysis
Crying because grandma dying - dream analysis
Talking to friends grave dream analysis
Dream symbols - scared of heights
Shark dream
Groom is not at wedding - dream interpretation
No groom at wedding - dream analysis
Dream symbols - guards guns and earthquake
Dream symbolism- smoking marijuana
Eating cake dream analysis
gun pointed at me dream
Guy chasing me dream
Hair straightened - dream
Is this guy real
A dream analysis about a weekend wedding
Holding a baby gently - dream symbolism
Boyfriend got killed dream
Highly rehearsed - dream analysis
Horse dies dream
Huge and dangerous waves - dream symbolism
Uprooting whole tree - dream symbolism
Flying in plane over the mountain
Identical babies- dream analysis
Ignoring my father dream interpretation
Dream analysis - impossible
Impressing women - dream analysis
Dream symbolism - insulted
Place on plane
Best friend and adventures
Journal or Diaries being sold
Jump into water - dream analysis
Jung's dream about a ghostly customs official
Dream interpretation - fighting in kayak
My boyfriend is cheating on me
They really love each other - dream interpretation
Knife Attack Nightmares
Komodo Dragon
Amazing display of colour and birds - dream interpretation
A baby dream and large building
Taking medicines with no label - dream analysis
Dream interpretation – killing aliens
Dream interpretation about lions and wild animals
Vibrant kiss in vivid dream
Keep an alligators mouth shut dream
Alligators at crossroads - dream analysis
Long tube dream
Looking Back dream
Dream interpretation - elevator lunch meat sandwich and news camera
Make up shop best in world - dream interpretation
Guy who talked to on yahoo and he was bragging- dream interpret
Show male friend to mother - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - a man overpowering me
Insecure flat in mansion - dream analysis
An amazing coincidence - dream analysis
Castle dream
Men playing cards against women - dream symbolism
Message dream
Missing someone dream
Husband is being extremely mean
Mother lion dream
Ampuation dream analysis
Chased by teacher killing and shooting dream
My son and fire dream
New born baby dream analysis
Newcastle dream
Pick pockets - dream analysis
Relationship dreams - Wanting a puppy dog
Nightmare about my angry violent husband
Niece drowned dream
Poisonous snakes
Bite my boyfriend as a vampire- dream analysis
Grandmas old cards - dream analysis
Not paying bills - dream symbolism
Not sexy dream analysis
Dream interpretation about hospitals and finding your purse
New York City dream
I should give in - dream analysis
Feeling sad and partners ex - dream interpretation
Old best friend dream and supermarket
Old girlfriend dream
An older man is preparing to leave in sports car - dream analysis
Dream symbols - on a horse charging
Spiders and open wounds dream
Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
Pack of dogs dream
Dream - panther pregnant
grabbing hold of a parachute
Dream symbols - past girlfriend
Dream - penis in food blender
Poison and pest control - dream analysis
Wolf Bit my Phone out of my Hand
Grabbing snakes - dream analysis
Aeroplane never takes off dream
Flying and chasing dream
Showing respect and not offending -dream analysis
Prince and Princess dream
Dreams about ex-boyfriend
Future with boyfriend dream!
Puppies and snakes
Small puppy - dream analysis
Get away from a snake - dream dictionary
Raper and time travel dream symbols
Deep rat bite - dream dictionary
Rat bites pet cat - dream analysis
Lots of large rats dream
All teeth removed - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - rescuing girlfriend from drowning
Rescue a seal dream
Reunion - dream dictionary
Dream symbols - fear of coyotes
Killing the sacred cow
Son is drowning - dream interpretation
Saving parents dream
Trapped by deformed people
Odd woman and her husband -dream analysis
Scorpion stuck on heart
Dream symbolism - nearly hit ex boyfriend
The Girl At The Lake
Dog looks adoringly - dream analysis
Eating biscuits in sewage - dream analysis
we had sex in his house!
Surrounded by sharks in water
Dream symbols - shark bite
Shark dream
Saved by boy from shark - dream symbolism
Shark is in slow motion - dream analysis
Leeches as a collar around my neck.
Dream - police threaten and train crash
Dream - Father abuses niece
Rats,worms,flies and maggots
Finger print dream
Huge waves drowning - dream analysis
Sisters bedroom - dream analysis
Surprised to see my mother dream interpretation
Sister yelling in bedroom - dream analysis
Skyscraper collapses dream
Crash car into ex boyfriend dream symbols
Smog dream interpretation
Fighting Anaconda with machete - dream analysis
Dream symbols - huge snake
Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
Husband cheating dream
Snake at safe distance - dream interpretation
snake dream
Snakes dream
My son gets pregnant dream interpretation
soothing dream whilst stressed
Spies everywhere - dream analysis
CIA assassination dream
Place on plane
Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
Boyfriend with ring - dream analysis
Earthquake Dream
Sucking co-workers breasts dream
Apocalyptic dream
Guidance of angel
Competing with other women - dream analysis
Swim to victory - dream interpretation
Taking toys away from a child - dream analysis
Grandfather's plea - dream analysis
Teeth fall out dream
Dream symbolism - police search
Throwing a cooked hot dog
Tidal wave dream interpretation
Tiger in the house - dream dictionary meaning
Losing teeth dream - dream analysis
Fiancé saves me dream
Tornado Dream
Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
A tornado and sunshine - dream dictionary
Tropical storms dream
Dream symbolism - phone disconnected
Tsunami in dream
Tumour on leg dream analysis!
A loving mother - dream analysis
Babies and a gun
Shark attack - dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - boyfriend spends a lot of money on another girl
Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
Vampire dream
Chased by a killer whale dream
King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
Ex husband in a coma
Ex husband in a coma
Dream interpretation - war zone
Friend duel dream interpretation
Weasel dream
Multiple dreams- people dying
Getting married in pink - dream symbolism
A Weird Gift From a Loved One
Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
Werewolf dream analysis
Misheard woman - dream analysis
Earthquake dream
Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son
Danger from wolves - dream analysis
Chased by wolves dream
Orb of light - dream analysis
Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
Needing help of expert - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - workshop
Zombie Attack dream
Zombies and Brad Pitt
Helping babysit sister.
Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
Bathing in blood - dream symbolism
Bathing suit dream
Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
Bear chasing my young son
Version of history - dream analysis
With ex boyfriend and another girl - dream analysis
Annoying person dream
Homely atmosphere dream
Explosion dream
Sexual desires - dream analysis
A dream about a not being picked
A dream about a friend who turns nasty
A dream about a not being picked
Tornado deam analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com